Crop Lines on My Michelins?

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
Alrighty then... 3,000 miles on this set of Roads and I'm beginning to see lines emerging in the tread. These lines are ever so slightly troughed, so much so that it takes a lot to feel them.

Rear tire; arrows point to line just inboard of the left edge of the flat area...




Ditto, different view, note the slight kick to the left as the line nears the sipe...


Front tire, same deal 'cept the line is just inboard of the right edge of the flat area...


Aired to 40/42 F/R, and these lines started to appear at about 2,500 miles. No odd handling traits and the bike feels as though it is tracking straight and true even when my hands are off the bars.

I ain't much worried about this, but any thoughts? Seen this before?

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Good god man can't you see it??? Those are crop circles!!!

Late entry: They can't find you if you wear a cone shaped foil hat......

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Alrighty then... 3,000 miles on this set of Roads and I'm beginning to see lines emerging in the tread. These lines are ever so slightly troughed, so much so that it takes a lot to feel them.
Rear tire; arrows point to line just inboard of the left edge of the flat area...




Ditto, different view, note the slight kick to the left as the line nears the sipe...


Front tire, same deal 'cept the line is just inboard of the right edge of the flat area...


Aired to 40/42 F/R, and these lines started to appear at about 2,500 miles. No odd handling traits and the bike feels as though it is tracking straight and true even when my hands are off the bars.

I ain't much worried about this, but any thoughts? Seen this before?
I saw that on mine. Not a problem. I've got 6000 on mine and it wore away. Tire is still in decent shape. Maybe 2+ grand more, hopefully! I run a Mich. Powers up front now. Handles great! Had a Mich. Sport before. Got 6500 out of that. Time will tell!

These lines you see on the Pilot Road tires are 100% normal for this tire, no worries at all....

I JUST put a set of Pilot Roads on and noticed the lines on the edge. Looked like mold lines to me too, but I always assumed that the mold would be split down the middle. I like TWNs idea that it might be where compunds meet/change. Could be that is also where different sections are molded. Side compound molded to center compound. I won't worry, just good to satisfy the curiosity. :dribble:

Perhaps the mold doesn't split around the center?
Hmmmm, interesting. I'm curious if this is where different compounds meet...
I think your right TWN, if thats what they are. They are known in the molding industry as knit lines. If I could see the tooling that creates the tires, chances are I could take a good guess as to why this is happening.

1) You need to learn how to take photos that are in focus.

2) RTSR1/FJR obviously didn't see my posts on being a quote function abuser in the other thread. :(

Hey, I got home and downed a half a sixer of Rolling Rock, so I was a bit drink when I clicked 'em. Besides, my freakin' 900 buck, Digital Canon, POS camera won't let me focus manually, so I gets what I gets, Mr. Quote Nazi.


I rode with a group of FJ1200 guys last week and one of them had a rear showing this type of thing. It was on either side, near the edge of the tread as I recall.


1) You need to learn how to take photos that are in focus.

2) RTSR1/FJR obviously didn't see my posts on being a quote function abuser in the other thread. :(

Hey, I got home and downed a half a sixer of Rolling Rock, so I was a bit drink when I clicked 'em. Besides, my freakin' 900 buck, Digital Canon, POS camera won't let me focus manually, so I gets what I gets, Mr. Quote Nazi.

You tell 'em, twn!


1) You need to learn how to take photos that are in focus.

2) RTSR1/FJR obviously didn't see my posts on being a quote function abuser in the other thread. :(

Hey, I got home and downed a half a sixer of Rolling Rock, so I was a bit drink when I clicked 'em. Besides, my freakin' 900 buck, Digital Canon, POS camera won't let me focus manually, so I gets what I gets, Mr. Quote Nazi.

You gotta learn to use the Macro function on that camera, Mr quote abuser :p

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Unless accompanied by explosive oily discharge and severe abdominal cramps, I'm not gonna worry about these lines. In fact, I looked last night and they're gone!

Got a set of Pilot Powers with exactly the same thing.

Michelin says "not to worry"

Seattle Cycle says "not a problem, they all have that"

Sparky says "man these things warm up fast and stick like glue!"

Got a set of Pilot Powers with exactly the same thing.
Michelin says "not to worry"

Seattle Cycle says "not a problem, they all have that"

Sparky says "man these things warm up fast and stick like glue!"
Sparky...that was about the tires....not TWN bowel movements....right :eek:

Got a set of Pilot Powers with exactly the same thing.

Michelin says "not to worry"

Seattle Cycle says "not a problem, they all have that"

Sparky says "man these things warm up fast and stick like glue!"
Sparky...that was about the tires....not TWN bowel movements....right :eek:
Yep, not a problem. I'm on my second set of Pilot Powers and they both have/had them. In fact, when the tire was new, there was a white line around the tire that wore off by the end of the neighborhood. That line reappeared after much wear on the tire as shown above. All is good, no need to worry.

Noticed the same today when I pulled up to the pump @ 270 miles on the second tank of the day.

Clean, hot tire, and just rolled over a bit of dust; crop circle lit right up!

Pilot Roads, run @ about 40 psi front, and 44 psi rear. Almost 4000 miles on this set.

