Snikr wasn't kidding!
Central Vermont hit by flooding; evacuations prompted
The Associated Press
Article Last Updated: 08/06/2008 03:16:37 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 06
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Heavy rains have flooded roads in central Vermont, forcing the evacuation of homes in several areas.
Flooding is reported in Hancock, Granville, Rochester and East Middlebury.
Homes on Tucker Hill Road in Hancock have been evacuated because of high water and on Lower Plains Road in Middlebury because a bridge has shifted.
Route 125 between Hancock and East Middlebury is closed and parts of Route 100 and Route 7 also are flooded. Secondary roads in Goshen and Leicester also are impassable.
State emergency management officials say rescue teams are being set up in Hancock, St. Johnsbury and Stowe in case water rescues are needed.
I will say that if you're looking to go north through western Mass, if you get on rt. 8 from CT it's the sweetest way north at least as far as Hinsdale or Dalton, then it gets dull for a bit until North Adams/Clarksburg VT where it gets fun again.