Pie Smuggler
From my dirt bike days, "That water doesn't look that deep."
Pretty much sums it upFrom Warrior Brotherhood Veteran's Motorcycle Club Website:
MIDNIGHT bugs taste best after a beer
SADDLEBAGS won't hold everything you want, but they WILL hold everything you need.
NEVER argue with a woman holding a torque wrench
THE size of the piston don't tell you nothin' about the depth of the stroke.
HOME is where your bike sits still long enough to leave a few drops of oil on the ground. (Harley Riders)
TAKES more love to share the saddle than it does to share the bed.
ONLY good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror.
NEVER ask your bike to scream before her throat is good and warm.
RIDING faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride alone.
NEVER hesitate to ride past the last street light at the edge of town.
NEVER mistake horsepower for staying power.
YOUNG riders pick a destination and go... Old riders pick a direction and go.
NEVER pick a fight with an old geezer. If you win, there's no glory. If you lose, your reputation is shot.
WHATEVER it is, its better in the wind.
TWO-LANE blacktop isn't a highway-its an attitude.
"when in doubt, gas it"From my dirt bike days, "That water doesn't look that deep."
From Warrior Brotherhood Veteran's Motorcycle Club Website:
RIDING faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride alone.
Since it IS you holding it, it must be an ignition key assembly cylinder.I just got my bike put back together last night...
Can someone identify this part?