I don't know about everyone else but it had crossed my mind that having a customized FJR keychain would be neat. I have my key right now on one of them little floppy plastic keychains from the dealer, you know the rectangle ones... Keep it simple, no need to scratch things up. Anyways, I don't know anyone in advertizing but I spent some time online looking at some different designs and shapes for a keychain. One idea was the same simple rectangle design with a custom imprint on it, or a FJR shaped one with the imprint on it. Both of those would run about one dollar a piece. Not too fancy, but not too expensive either. The other one https://www.atlaspen.com/static/products/49...495304&pv=1 at this site here, they are $2.33ish. A lot more detail could be put into that design and it would look a lot better I think. Anyways, I just wanted input from forum members if this is something anyone is interested in. Lemme know what you guys think.