Custom saddle

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Just bought a new 05 FJR 1300. Any thoughts, recommendations on custom aftermaket saddles?

There are three major custom seat builders out there. All three of them take different approaches to making seats, and all three will probably fit you differently. I would recommend going to each one of their web sites reading how they build their seats, and going with the one that gives you a warm fuzzy.

Rick Mayer Saddles

Bill Mayer Saddles

Russell Day Long Saddles

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I had the stocker for a year, a rick mayer and a corbin. Both were ride ins and custom fitted. Didn't do it for me and extended rides. Went to Russell for a ride in and what a worlds of difference. The seat of choice by LD riders. I am lucky in one way, I live in California and alot of stuff happens here for motorcycles.

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I was happy with the Sargent for short rides but at 225 lbs. it didn't cut it for longer rides.

I had a Russell made during the Dec group buy and it is fantastic!

+1 on the Russell Day Long. I'm still waiting for my '06 to arrive but I've got a ride in appointment already made. I've put over 100,000 miles on the Russell on my current mount, best money I've ever spent on a motorcycle.

If you like a seat that dishes and fits you're whole backside and think the "buttcheek wings" are decent looking on the Russell, I think it's probably the way to go.

I have a Rick Mayer and the styling, leather, and stitchwork are second to none. It's better than the Russell I think. As for fit, I'm liking it better as a I break it in. It defintely doesn't plant and keep you one one spot like the Russell. I might end up liking it better as time goes by as it's clearly orders of magnitude better than stock.

....but at this point I'd have to give a +1 on the Russell. I'm not disappointed in the Rick Mayer mind you....just not as happy as I think I would have been going Russell.

...or maybe I just like the feel of butt cuppage ;)

+2 on the Russel.My wife rode three days,pretty hard,wva, and never once complained or asked to stop.Love it.

I've riden the Russell on a 05 FJR and REALLY liked it for comfort.

But, I went with the Sargent over the Russell thinking the Sargent would allow for easier leaning off-in the corners. The Sargent is not a "perfect" for my arse, but a huge improvement over the stock seat.


If I had it to do over again, I'd go to Rich's Custom Seats in Seattle and have the seat made to my specs.

Rich's Custom Seats

+1 on Russell. I followed the sage advice of Bounce and Warchild and have been extremely please.

Funny story: I had my bike in for some warranty work and as the mechanic was about to run it around the block, I mentioned the Russell seat. He sat on the bike, his eyes widened and he said, "My God, its like sitting in a catchers mitt. How cool!"

It just depends on what you want. I can now ride all day, after day, after day, and be ready for tomorrow. I can still "slide over" for corners. What's not to love?

+1 on my Rick Mayer. Just completed 2K worth of riding in a few days, never got sore, never needed to reposition myself to get more comfortable. And the leather is still getting better with time...

Just realized the email I sent him when I got back is at the top of his testimonial page on his website...

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As you can see, everyone seems to have their own favorite. Mine is the Sargent. I've set or ridden on every major brand there is and the Sargent was the most comfortable and acommodating for me. They also can custom make the seat to any specific requirements you may have but their stock offering was just what I wanted. Super quality.

A lot of factors play into deciding this question. For me, at 6'5" and 265 pounds (see "Forum Photo Directory" thread in the FJR-specific Discussions section), Russel's special order "heavy duty suspension" was the deal maker. This saddle has served me well on both LD and spirited rides.
