Cycle World August 09 article

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2009
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The new Cycle World does a comparison test of the new BMW K1300GT and the Kawasaki Concours 14. The article says "the two finest sport-touring motorcycles on the planet". With all the prior comparison tests that the FJR has won, there is no mention of the FJR. Does this mean that Yamaha hasn't been advertising enough in their magazine? Have they even tested a recent model FJR? Which planet is Cycle World talking about?

They are clearly pro-BMW - in '06 they 'left out' the FJR from the ballot altogether . . . and then said 'it wouldn't have made any difference anyway'. The K1200GT won.

I've not ridden the new BMW, but the C14 is indeed a sleek ride. However WHERE IT COUNTS is not at 150+ mph, but in the twisties and in straight line acceleration and in comfort.

- Certainly we have the cornering down pat.

- The C14 is smoother than the FJR - significantly so.

- The C14 has more power, but not by a huge margin.

- The C14 tranny seems smoother than Yamaha's.

In other areas, the FJR wins for fit and finish and for braking. C14 wins for having more toys.

Then again - I already own my FJR . . . leaving it out of a review isn't going to make me want to sell it.

However the design is getting a bit long in the tooth, and not much different than the fact that people are not surprised that the ST1300 isn't being included in ST reviews any more, perhaps we need to reconsilte ourselves with the fact that bar is being raised and that blacked out wheels doesn't really constitute a 'freshening up'.

Wait'll they hear about the frying wiring harnesses . . . .

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I've heard good things about both bikes from other riders who have bought them. I think you get used to what you ride and either hate it or love it. Personally, those bikes would have to be A LOT better for me to consider them. But I would love for Mammy Yammy to add cruise as an option on the 2010 since that will be my next Feej!

I rode three of the four, BMW, The 14, and the Yammi, to decide which one I'd buy. I loooveed the Beemer but the 20 grand[the way I wanted it] was too rich for me. I rode the Concourse in December when it was about 42 degrees, and although I was in looove with the power, the heat coming up between the gas tank and seat was a deal breaker for the soon to be 100 degree heat here in coastal Texas.[heat was not mentioned at all in the article] I never tried the Honda cause I went down to Brownsville to test ride the Feejer first and was sold after putting her through the paces! I too was disappointed and wondered why the Feejer wasn't included in the article that I read last night.

Guy's, Has anyone seen someone try to get there leg over[or past] the saddle bags on one of those "Connies". It's hysterical. You'd have to be 6ft. 6 to step over one of those. I mean there big enough you could pack a elephant in one of them. I suppose between a "Goldwing" and a "Connie" I'd take the "Connie". But if your doing real sport riding there's not a finer bike made, that you can really "Wick Her Up" if you so desire, or take on a 500 mile day with no problem. Obviously my vote is for the "Feejer". With the optional adjustable front forks you can stiffen her up enough that you can feel a dime if you run over one. When your really pushing it in the "Twisties" it doesn't collapse at all. IMHO my vote goes to our "Feejers" hands down. Dave

I'll tell you, the cost of the Beemer is just the beginning. I rode a K1200 LT for years. Loved the bike, but every 12K miles it cost almost $800 for service. Just couldn't afford that any longer.

I'd always wanted an FJR, got one and haven't looked back. Love the bike! It has made riding fun again.


I know I am beating a dead horse here, just need to get this out of my system.

C14: too much heat. Check their forums. The heat issue seems to be mentioned in more than half of the threads and some can barely stand it. GenII FJR no heat whatsoever.

Easy to install tip over protection of the FJR. Very difficult and expensive on the C14. Of course none of the C14 owners ever dropped their heavy bike.

KIPAS is a total joke. Many C14 riders got stranded because of that unnecessary technology. Battery dies, you can't push start it.

Try to do any work on the C14. Good luck. C14 is cheep for a reason.

Could go on and on, but what's the point?

CW guys are morons who focus of a few trivial issues. They are annoying. Sam
