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Ahhh, yes, that was the issue in which they liked the FJR best of the Speedwagons tested...and they opined.....GASP.... the footpegs grind a little early.

Why those clowns obviously don't know how to take corners, why you just hike-out, like on a Hobie Cat and you can always force the bike to stay upright thru any turn at any speed.....

P.S. the last paragraph was SARCASM, for those of you tightly wound.

It puts to rest the FJR verses BMW. The 05 FJR is way better! The 06FJR will distance itself even further over the BMW's. Its obvious the 1% BMW spends on its bikes verses the 99% it spends on its cars makes a big difference in the final product. The new 3 series BMW car is fantastic while the new K bikes are just ok.

The Feej also won top honors in the Passenger category, something not often discussed, but important to many. After all, for those with spouses, it's often the only weapon available for continued ownership, as well as initial purchase. Show the article to the SO, expound on the quality time to be spent, yada yada yada . Voila, new scoot. :D

Ol' Doc Rad

Skoot Kounsler

I was surprised that the BMW didn't get any votes and the ST100 got a single second place vote. I have noticed in the last couple of years that the magazine testers, like the rest of us, are getting older and their preferences are starting to shift. They still like strong engines but there is much more emphasis on a comforable sitting position and being able to rack up a lot of miles without having to take pain killers at every stop.

The Feej also won top honors in the Passenger category, something not often discussed, but important to many.  After all, for those with spouses, it's often the only weapon available for continued ownership, as well as initial purchase.  Show the article to the SO, expound on the quality time to be spent, yada yada yada .  Voila, new scoot. :D
Ol' Doc Rad

Skoot Kounsler
I showed the write-ups to my DH and he was impressed with the FJR. So impressed in fact, that he continues to sneak my bike out each morning when he goes to work. It runs so sweetly and quietly that I don't even hear him.

On the days that I work, I have to get up before him to make sure I get to ride my own bike!


That article made up my mind for me as well. I was already looking at them but couldn't quite commit. I read the article on a Sunday morning back in October and bought my bike off ebay that same night (after having an actual conversation with the owner). A very good write-up on the feejer for sure.

It's the one bike to have if you can only afford one bike.
I currently have 5 bikes and the FJR still seems like the one bike to have -- and the last one to go if I have to cut back on my toys.

O.K. what's a DH? Doofus Husband?
Isn't it Darling Husband. :wub: :wub:

O.K., that makes more sense. I've only heard "Sexy Husband" lately. :rolleyes:
Ok, now you guys a makin' me queazy. :puke:

Cycle World article, Speed wagon, kudos for the FJR. Remember that? :p

Oh, and Toecutter, Wouldn't an Astronaut who is bound for the ground be headed for a new crater? :haha:

Now back to the regulary unscheduled programming. :bleh:
