Dale Walker full system ?

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Westerville, OH
Anybody else have one? Just wondering if you think yours makes the bike sound more like a V-4 than an inline because there's no connection between cylinders 1-2 and 3-4. I'm not complaining...it sounds really good, just different.

I think the sound is why my gas mileage decreased significantly with the installation, you just have to make vroom-vroom noises with it. ;)

I think it sounds just like a Subaru WRX, they're a boxer right?

I had Dale's full system on my 05 and recently installed one on my 09. Heck with gas mileage, I REALLY missed the sound. As a matter of fact, when the guy that bought my bike came over for a look, I had the 2 side by side. He wanted to know how the Dale Walker system sounded compared to stock, as I hadn't purchased the system yet for the 09 (was awaiting the funds from the sale of the 05). So, I started up the 09 and he heard the stock sewing machine sound (no offense to anyone :rolleyes: ). When I started up the 05, he cracked a little grin, but when I twisted the throttle, it turned into a full smile. Next thing I know, he's handing me a $100 bill for a deposit and told me he was going to the bank to get me a cashier's check for the full asking price.

I also enjoy the extra horsepower and smoothness you get with the headers and PC-V (09 uses the PC-V instead of the PC-III), but without a dyno run before and after, I'm not sure exactly how much more you get.

. . . Dan

no comments on increased performance ?
I can't comment on that, I just bought the bike a month ago and the PO all ready had the system on it with a custom mapped PC3. I'd never ridden an FJR before buying this one, so have no idea how it compares to stock. I do know mine runs like a scalded dog and the throttle response is smooth as a baby's butt! I asked if he had a printout from the dyno, but he couldn't find it. The Penske out back and Sargent seat were icing on the cake!

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