Dam Tour Final Ride - Northern British Columbia

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
You've got to love McDonalds and free WiFi. Here I am in Newport, WA (right on the border of Idaho) in a cool and damp morning about to venture north towards Banff and then on to WAC Bennett Dam some 800 miles to the north. Watch my GPS track here or blog here.

FJR and motorcycles are all in the same area of the continent this weekend. pathfinder, LDRyder, buddy Roger, ocfjr, and who know who else.

See you on the road and I'll be thinking about the purpose of the weekend myself....to honor those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom. :)

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Safe and fruitful ride!

Seems all the cool kids are doing the dam tour this year... :D

OK - just checked the spot!

You'd better have pics! No excuses! Ta Ta Creek is a MUST see! :D

Holy cow - just read some of your blog - I'm a fan!

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I'm not even going to try and figure what he was doing up by the boarder with all that Zig Zaging, even though I've rode that area many a time and have often thought that the Collville area would be a awesome spot for a WFO!

So I digress. How does one get a pic of all the US Counties that you use on your blog and how does one make it fill-in-able? Really, I just want a copy of yours all blanked out w instructions.

Nice blog. Made me think which is what it is all about, right?

Enjoy the dam ride. I've signed up two years running, made it to a few dams, didn't snap the pictures. I figure it is support dollars for the cause.

So I digress. How does one get a pic of all the US Counties that you use on your blog and how does one make it fill-in-able? Really, I just want a copy of yours all blanked out w instructions.
For this, Wikipedia is your friend:

US CountiesThere's an SVG version, and PNG versions in various sizes. The SVG format has the advantage that you can resize it - both bigger and smaller - and maintain full quality. Most modern web browsers will display an SVG image, but older versions of IE will not. PNG's can used with any web browser and any graphics tool (PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, etc.) but they'll suffer if resized.
The best tool for SVG images is Inkscape, a free, open-source application for Windows and Macs. It's got a few quirks, but using it you can highlight the counties pretty much any way you want, by ungrouping the objects, then setting the background color on the objects (counties) you want to highlight. Once the SVG is highlighted the way you want, you can 'export' it into a PNG of any reasonable size for use on a web site.

Here's a 600x380 PNG with San Bernadino County highlighted in red and exported using Inkscape:


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Sweet. Nice answer, thanks for posting. Sounds like this would allow different colors for the background so that one could distinguish those visited by FJR, versus ones by some other means.

Back to Iggy's dam ride...

I gave the guards up at WAC Bennett everyone’s name and plate number on Monday Matt. Just ride right on through. :unsure: It is a massive earthen dam. Very impressive! Have a ball.

Keep Going!

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So I digress. How does one get a pic of all the US Counties that you use on your blog and how does one make it fill-in-able? Really, I just want a copy of yours all blanked out w instructions.
Good catch. In fact, think I used that very picture via Wikipedia and have started updating my copy of it....using green instead of red. I have it in my Picasa account. I just have a local copy and use Paintbrush on the PC to fill it with color and then update it on Picasa.


No counties added this ride because I already have all the Washington State counties.

I'm not even going to try and figure what he was doing up by the boarder with all that Zig Zaging, even though I've rode that area many a time and have often thought that the Collville area would be a awesome spot for a WFO!
That would be a combination of me not reading the instructions carefully and the coordinates provided on my laminated card as the other side of the dam. Truth is I think there was some discussion about this on the damtour website, but I didn't retain it. So, that's me riding 25 miles twice for no apparent reason. ;)

Snagged the dam in the end and got a personal tour by a very nice and cute college intern. (including a tunnel area I doubt others got to go on)
