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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
Holt, Norfolk, UK.
Anybody having a problem with their Datel digital voltage display?

I am just about to install my third one. The two previous fittings worked initially then after a few weeks random segments would disappear or be difficult to see. Eventually the display became unreadable.

I only paid for the original, the two 'follow-ups' were sent as replacements.

I am beginning to suspect the battery tender, but...................

Red/Blue LED type Datel? Highly unusual. I have used thousands of Datel meters in several products that we built and I can't recall any failures. How is your meter installed on the bike and how is it wired?

Red/Blue LED type Datel? Highly unusual. I have used thousands of Datel meters in several products that we built and I can't recall any failures. How is your meter installed on the bike and how is it wired?
This is a black numerals on plain background LCD type Datel (DMS-20LCD-DCM) - not an LED; don't know if that makes any difference.

The meter is fitted into the C panel (upright panel above the battery) held in place with a Datel bezel and is wired directly to the battery, no switches etc. The drain is so low I just leave it permanently on.

Red/Blue LED type Datel? Highly unusual. I have used thousands of Datel meters in several products that we built and I can't recall any failures. How is your meter installed on the bike and how is it wired?
This is a black numerals on plain background LCD type Datel (DMS-20LCD-DCM) - not an LED; don't know if that makes any difference.
Ahhh, this is why I asked. The LCD type is not weather proof. If you got the type with a back light it needs to run on 5 volts. There is a special PCB you buy that the LCD meter attaches to that contains a LM7805 IC to reduce voltage. If you go that route then you have an additional complication that the power supply ground (+5 VDC) can't be the same as the voltage sense ground (+12 VDC) without doing special work to the adapter PCB. And last, but not least, the meter is not weather tight unless you seal it.

I have a writeup on this someplace in the Forum, I'll look for it when I get a chance. The LCD meter I installed is the type with a back light for night use. In the mean time, you really need to get a LED type or I only see failure in your future.


Search, search, search... DING!

My LCD install here.

Another thread where I discussed the LCD option.

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Thanks for the response Alan. I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing (yet)! Nothing in the data sheet to indicate that it needs a back-up power supply and it doesn't have a backlight, I didn't see the need. You are correct about it not being weather tight but I didn't think that was an issue where it is installed.


You are correct about it not being weather tight but I didn't think that was an issue where it is installed.
Why wouldn't it be? Not being weatherproof means it's also not dust-proof, dew-proof, or even humidity-proof. It doesn't have to get rained on to get moisture inside the works.
