Daytona bike week

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well, I made it!! I'm here in Daytona.

Hope to see a huge herd of FJRs tomorrow at Down the Hatch in Ponce Inlet. Sometime late morning is when FJRisti usually start rolling in.

ta ta

Rob Brian and Brad wll show up for about 10 ish.

See you there.

I'm not clear. When are you all going to meet at Down the Hatch? I'm working tomorrow, not sure when I would be able to make it.

No formal time for things to start. In past years, the FJRisti started drifting in around 9 or 10. By noon, the place was lousy with FJRs. Helluva deal!! After lunch (1400 or so) a few bunches sorta formed up and went for a ride.

The whole thing is very informal,.. nothing more than an attempt to get some of the FJRs that are already in the area to join up for an hour or three.

The food there is not bad either.

I'm not clear. When are you all going to meet at Down the Hatch? I'm working tomorrow, not sure when I would be able to make it.
Well, we did actually have a meeting of Feejeristi.

Seven of us showed,.. well less than the mob that took over the joint in '05.

Quite enjoyable, though,.. with lots of chatting about lots of stuff, mostly FJR-related. Several of us lunched al fresco there. The band was too loud, but the food was good, and the camaraderie plentiful.

What do we do next year to get more of us there?

