Deal Gap

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How does August 16-20 look for the rest of you? Right now, I am flexible with picking any weekend in August. Also, I'm not against meeting up with anyone along the way. Anyone form northern parts, could meet up in, say Richmond, and then meet more in the Durham, NC area. First, I'd like to lock in the dates. Anyone want to supply input, please do. I'm very much a novice at trying to put something together.
So, Aug 16-20...any takers?

Not to thread jack or anything.... but if it might help anyone out I've got accomadations availabe at Deals Gap TN from June 2-9... check out the Midwest section for more info... can't ever spend too much time there... :thumbsupsmileyanim:
I dont mind "jacking" at all. If that is what it takes to put riders together...then its "a good thing" :yahoo:
I would be very interested in meeting up with you. I live about 20 min north of Durham. However; Aug 16-20 is the Superbike race weekend at VIR. I am planning on going to that and would rather pick another weekend for the GAP.
I was afraid that the races would be a conflict. But, it is early enough to change. How about 10-13 August? Any takers or conflicts? I can go for the first weekend as well, just not the last. Open to discussion.
Either the first or second weekend is good for me.

daytrip..I'm kind of "leaning" towards the second weekend right now. Will wait and see what other response I get. Thanks!

Right now I am "planning" on leaving on the 9th of Aug, and returning the 12th. Lots of riding in a short time frame, but should be fun. I am willing to linkup with anyone along the way...the more the merrier.

Just a friendly fyi, the weekends at the gap are crowded and crazy. If possible a beginning of the week gives you the best riding. Enjoy and ride safe. Everett

Just a friendly fyi, the weekends at the gap are crowded and crazy. If possible a beginning of the week gives you the best riding. Enjoy and ride safe. Everett
I could go earlier in the week as well. As far as the Dragon goes it is crowded on the weekends, but I am am only interested in running it once or twice. Lots of other good roads around there to ride.

Plan to be there between tues and thurs to miss all the Byker Boiz that clog it so badly on weekends.
The weekends are fine--so long as it is raining and about 36 degrees (Farenheit) outside. There was a cold snap a couple of months ago that just about ruined our trip.

It made for an interesting experience--I'd never ridden the gap before.

I ran it a couple of more times the next day, when it was dry, but still pretty cold.

I think for me the Gap is a "been there, done that" thing. Because of the cold, the crowds were pretty light, but even still there were Vette's, S2000s, and other car clubs howling around the corners. It just didn't make for an enjoyable ride.

The Blue Ridge pkwy (or was it the Foothills?) that joined the Dragon was much more enjoyable--less technical, you could take it more quickly, and it had the long sweepers. I never got out of 3rd on the Dragon, but could fly on the Pkwy . . visibility was better too.

I knew that planning something so far out was "dangerous"...and now as the time draws near...I find that I cannot make the ride I suggested. Seems the wife needed a new house more that I "needed" to ride. Thus, I have neither the time nor the funds any longer. In fact, this ride is but the second casuality. First to go was my 2007 FJR that was on order.

I'm still in the market for an FJR...but will have to be a bit later than originally expected.


Hi Rice! The 15 MPH switchback awaits you.

Hi Rice! The 15 MPH switchback awaits you.
Hey, been a LONGGGG time since we "swapped wit". Hope you are well. Got a couple questions for you.

If you execute 19,751 back-to-back switchbacks, aside from dizzy, what do you get? While on switchbacks, is your bike up n on da road again? My understanding it is hard to do a switchback on a V Max, even harder without a bike.

You need to "call" a get together. If nothing else, if you have something to ride, maybe we could meet somewhere just for the sake of it?

Hi Rice! The 15 MPH switchback awaits you.
Hey, been a LONGGGG time since we "swapped wit". Hope you are well. Got a couple questions for you.

If you execute 19,751 back-to-back switchbacks, aside from dizzy, what do you get? While on switchbacks, is your bike up n on da road again? My understanding it is hard to do a switchback on a V Max, even harder without a bike.

You need to "call" a get together. If nothing else, if you have something to ride, maybe we could meet somewhere just for the sake of it?
#1 If you execute 19,751 back-to-back switchbacks, aside from dizzy, what do you get?

uhhh, poopy in da' pants or an ass-full of seat. Pick your favorite.

#2 While on switchbacks, is your bike up n on da road again? yeah, well, sorta' yeah... the bike is on the roads & running. It's in the dealer checking on having the dreaded tick fixed.

#3 You need to "call" a get together. If nothing else, if you have something to ride, maybe we could meet somewhere just for the sake of it?

Definitely a big "ok" on that. Will definitely be in Lewisburg, WV for the Eastern Owners Meeting in September. Since you are a future owner, you going?


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Wont be going to WV. Not really doing a lot of riding right now. Today is the fourth, and Im packing and moving. New house trumps motorcycling.
