Cusp Man
Two months ago my '06 AE was dropped during an encounter with the side of a pickup truck. Both sides of the bike had cosmetic maladies but it ran just fine. Rode it to my dealer where the Progressive agent had authorized repair. During the inspection it was noticed that the frame had some damage and it was decided to replace it. Perhaps this was an attempt to be sure the bike was safe, but I noticed absolutely no difference in the ride or handling after the accident. Obviously a major disassembly was required to install a new frame, but they are unable to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again! The story I keep getting is that the electronics are difficult to put back together. The last time I contacted the dealership they told me they are unable to get the electronic shift to operate. They contacted Yamaha and were "given some ideas to try." Still no-go and no bike. I finally stopped contacting the dealer and am now planning to work this through via the insurance agent (who was most friendly & cooperative following the incident.) At this stage of things I'd prefer the bike be declared totaled. The longer I go w/o riding (& I hadn't had it terribly long to begin with) the longer it will be to reacquire my skill level while riding. Also, there might be the nagging anxiety about the safety after realizing the struggle to get it working. I recall the ol' tale about a wrecked car never being the same afterwards, even following repairs and wonder if this will be the case with the bike. Bottom line-- have any of you experienced anything remotely like this. If so, what proved to be the best course of action to follow. I feel I'm waiting for Godot & the chap just isn't showin' up!