Dealer performs hack job!

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Took mine in for the ignition switch recall and added warranty work back in March. Since I was going to be out of town at the time, I figured no big deal right? All I wanted was the switch, a new seal for the windshield guides, a new handlebar cover plate and a new right headlight plastic thingee (under the knob). What I got back was a little different than I dropped off- no dents, no scratches, cables/hoses properly routed, but:

neither triple tree clamp was tightened



The grills under the dash were installed incorrectly and rivets left out




the windshield inner mount bracket was installed upside down & the head of a screw stripped




the tank trim plastic wasn't latched properly & missing a fastener



the wrong screws were installed at the front of the gas tank (screw shoulders too big to fit in tab slots)


And, finally, the left lower fairing-to-front cowling intersection (above front fender) improperly installed (paint should be out, not black)


I'll also say that when I contacted the dealer via email with the clamp pics, I got a phone call very quickly, like 3 minutes, and an offer to make it right. I did some myself but they went through it completely, made everything right, threw in a handful of plastic fasteners and an offer for a free tire change (which I did not take them up on). This was Burlington Yamaha, Burlington NC. I'm still torn as to whether I'll ever take the bike back there again: on the one hand there's the screw-ups, on the other hand is a genuine concern for my safety and happiness and a determination to make it right. Hopefully the time will never come when I'll have to decide.

[gallery of nightmares deleted]This was Burlington Yamaha, Burlington NC. I'm still torn as to whether I'll ever take the bike back there again: on the one hand there's the screw-ups, on the other hand is a genuine concern for my safety and happiness and a determination to make it right. Hopefully the time will never come when I'll have to decide.
There's even a question??? I wouldn't let that bunch of hacks near hand tools again, much less my motorcycle. Where was the "genuine concern for your safety and happiness" when they were slapping your $14K motorcycle back together like a cheap Walmart special? That's just kiss-ass BS from a service manager trying to save his job.

Heck, "Orlando Yamaha Kawasaki" screwed up my RZ-350 years ago... I sure as hell am not letting them near my FJR. There was a reason I bought it in Tennessee and not Florida.

Seeing this thread has made up my mind. I'm going to skip having my ECU & switch done unless I can do it myself.

Seeing this thread has made up my mind. I'm going to skip having my ECU & switch done unless I can do it myself.
Which brings up a thought: It sure would be nice to have a list of "cooperative" dealerships that will allow folks to install their own recalls. I have still not brought my '05 in for the TPS recall for this very reason.

Wow! all the horror stories and pics all of the bike owners has shown scares me about the uality of mechanics being trained.

If you are ever in Woodland Ca. Woodland power sports has an excellent mechanic, he learned from his dod the pwner who was a great mechanic.

He sold the business and his son still works there it is a small shop but good. I have them work on ine when needed Another in the area id Roseville Yamaha in Sacto Ca.

KIds doing real mens work is what you have

this thread keeps reminding me of my own trouble with Crossroads Motorsports in Gibsonia PA. 2008 with 500 miles in for the recall and left with:

- dented tank

- dented exhaust

- misrouted cables

- tank and fairing scratches

so just called back my customer service rep at yamaha (joseph martinez - x7122), i discussed the re-occuring theme on the forum and he noted that basically anyone in the shop can do the work recall. Since only one hour is given to complete the task I think they is a chance that someone not quite as qualified will get the task. and according to joseph that gets covered by the newbie being mentored under someone who does have certification.

pretty ****** all around i'd say.

I remember the last recall on my 2004 was for the trunk real big deal but same stealership with better personal let me do the work and bring back the parts...seriously wish i'd have gone the same route for the ignition fix.

Dam you guys are scaring the S*#^T out of me.

Just dropped off the Feeej today and they said it would be a week till its done. They had about 12 other bikes to work on before they could get to mine. I should have read this sooner and asked if they would let me do it myself. I was told last time that they do warrenty jobs in between working on other bikes. They seem to know what they are doing and i know that the machanics have been there forever. They changed my tire a few weeks ago and no problems there. Cross your fingers. I will make sure i look everything over before i leave.

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Dam you guys are scaring the S*#^T out of me.
Just dropped off the Feeej today and they said it would be a week till its done. They had about 12 other bikes to work on before they could get to mine. I should have read this sooner and asked if they would let me do it myself. I was told last time that they do warrenty jobs in between working on other bikes. They seem to know what they are doing and i know that the machanics have been there forever. They changed my tire a few weeks ago and no problems there. Cross your fingers. I will make sure i look everything over before i leave.

There is no way in hell I would let a bike sit in a shop for a week for any friggen hour long recall. That is complete ********. Why can't you just bring it in on the day they say they will have to time to work on it? And even then I'd probably want to watch over their shoulder while they did the job to make sure they didn't screw anything up.

If they wouldn't allow that I'd say **** it to them and the recall and just buy the new switch myself and install it, followed by a Brodie Relay. At least you know it would be done right and safely. You might want to go pick it back up before they get a chance to take any test rides...

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Took mine in for the ignition switch recall and added warranty work back in March. Since I was going to be out of town at the time, I figured no big deal right? All I wanted was the switch, a new seal for the windshield guides, a new handlebar cover plate and a new right headlight plastic thingee (under the knob). What I got back was a little different than I dropped off- no dents, no scratches, cables/hoses properly routed, but:
neither triple tree clamp was tightened



The grills under the dash were installed incorrectly and rivets left out




the windshield inner mount bracket was installed upside down & the head of a screw stripped




the tank trim plastic wasn't latched properly & missing a fastener



the wrong screws were installed at the front of the gas tank (screw shoulders too big to fit in tab slots)


And, finally, the left lower fairing-to-front cowling intersection (above front fender) improperly installed (paint should be out, not black)


I'll also say that when I contacted the dealer via email with the clamp pics, I got a phone call very quickly, like 3 minutes, and an offer to make it right. I did some myself but they went through it completely, made everything right, threw in a handful of plastic fasteners and an offer for a free tire change (which I did not take them up on). This was Burlington Yamaha, Burlington NC. I'm still torn as to whether I'll ever take the bike back there again: on the one hand there's the screw-ups, on the other hand is a genuine concern for my safety and happiness and a determination to make it right. Hopefully the time will never come when I'll have to decide.

You better check under the gas tank also. They have to remove the t-bar and heat shield. When my dealer reinstalled the heat shield, the front edge of it was bent up 90 degrees effectively blocking air flow under the tank. I double checked everything, including re-torquing all the fasteners.

If anyone is wonderin' why my busted-ass FJR ain't in the shop, re-read the previous 47 posts.

(And people bitch about Wal-Mart!)

KtownFJR's situation is unfreakingbelievable! The upside down windshield bracket takes the cake!!!

I do all my own work, but figured what could go wrong with the ignition change? I found out. One of my slip-ons (titanium)was damaged to the point the dealer had to replace it (they did so willingly and actually informed me about it when it happened), but I found numerous scratches on the bike when it came back (not enough to raise a seious fuss about). Not good testimony regarding quality work.

Dam you guys are scaring the S*#^T out of me.
Just dropped off the Feeej today and they said it would be a week till its done. They had about 12 other bikes to work on before they could get to mine. I should have read this sooner and asked if they would let me do it myself. I was told last time that they do warrenty jobs in between working on other bikes. They seem to know what they are doing and i know that the machanics have been there forever. They changed my tire a few weeks ago and no problems there. Cross your fingers. I will make sure i look everything over before i leave.

There is no way in hell I would let a bike sit in a shop for a week for any friggen hour long recall. That is complete ********. Why can't you just bring it in on the day they say they will have to time to work on it? And even then I'd probably want to watch over their shoulder while they did the job to make sure they didn't screw anything up.

If they wouldn't allow that I'd say **** it to them and the recall and just buy the new switch myself and install it, followed by a Brodie Relay. At least you know it would be done right and safely. You might want to go pick it back up before they get a chance to take any test rides...
These guys are allways busy and i never go there without several bikes being in waiting to be work on. Maybe that says something, we will find out soon enough. I buy most of my maintenence stuff there and it's also where i bought my XR650L. I walk in and know everybody by there first name. If it aint right they will here it! It's goin to rain all week so it doesn't bother me to much. When i got back from buying the bike in Alabama I stopped in to get the steering bearings checked out. He retorqued all the bolts on the bike for free while he was waiting for mama yamaha to call back so he could talk to the rep and get it fixed. I can't bitch so far. I does look like some people are getting hosed over though in this forum. I can't believe the shotty work that's getting done. I would be pissed to.

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There are some reputable dealers out there, but most of them have earned the

Stealer moniker.

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Well, **** me to tears - I just checked my top triple tree clamps and they were completely loose as well! The one probably would have fallen out in the next 100 miles! I don't know if the recall was done by the dealer, or if it was done before the dealer got the bike.

There are some reputable dealers out there, but most of them have earned theStealer moniker.
Oh Yamaha has plenty of blame here. One hour to do this job? Dealers are going to lose money on this deal if their mechanics take their time.

KtownFJR's situation is unfreakingbelievable! The upside down windshield bracket takes the cake!!!
I do all my own work, but figured what could go wrong with the ignition change? I found out. One of my slip-ons (titanium)was damaged to the point the dealer had to replace it (they did so willingly and actually informed me about it when it happened), but I found numerous scratches on the bike when it came back (not enough to raise a seious fuss about). Not good testimony regarding quality work.

Yours is not the first report of a dinged or scratched exhaust pipe. Am I missing something here? What has the exhaust pipe got to do with the ignition switch recall? In other words, the problem isn't just with the quality of work being done ion these shops. It's in the general disregard for the customer's property when it's just sitting there or being moved around.

And people wonder why these shops go out of business...

After reading all of this it makes me feel good that when the ECU recall came about, I was worried about all this kind of stuff. I decided to purchase outright a new ECU and installed it myself. I was also afraid of the results of the new ECU. At the time not many had been done and was also concerned about what problems would arise with the new ECU. I did loose about 3 to 4 MPG. After running it for a few months I decided to put the original back in and the MPG popped back up. My bike runs great with the original ECU even in the mountains. I like having the spare ECU available for troubleshooting when some goofy problem might come up someday. Don't regret buying it.

As for the ignition switch recall a well known dealer we all use for parts offered to send me a switch kit for me to change. He took care of all the paper work for the recall. Charged me for the kit and then credited me when I returned the old. He asked me not to mention his name on the forum because of possible problems with Yamaha.

When changing the switch, I thought to myself, I sure am glad I am doing this instead of some so called tech at my local dealer. It is so easy to screw up things on these bikes when doing things in a hurry, and not knowing much about these bikes as most of us here on the forum. I don't trust anyone working on any of my vehicles unless it is something I just can't handle.

I can't believe the incompetence of these mechanics! Just shocking to see this kind of stuff goes on at bike dealerships. Plus they charge over $80 /hr for labor. How do these service techs go home at night and feel good about themselves? I just hope tire changes be the only reason to go to the dealer.



I was planning on purchasing new tires from this shop until this happened. Since then I purchased from the motorcyclesuperstore web site. I'll be pulling the wheels based on Warchild's instruction on and having a place here in denver do the mount and balance. ($14 a wheel). I'll save over $100 to boot.

