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Have ya got around to testing the Harpoon Summer beer yet?
Yep, got the remains of a twelve pack in the refer right now. MUCH more enjoyable to me than the Sam Summer. Speaking of beer, (warning, thread hi-jack) I was in VT this weekend visiting my daughter (at the school that should be renamed after my checkbook) and visited both the Magic Hat(S. Burlington) and Alchemist(Waterbury).

I'll tell ya,, Vermont makes some fine beer. So looking forward to NERDS 2012. End of hi-jack.

Have ya got around to testing the Harpoon Summer beer yet?
Yep, got the remains of a twelve pack in the refer right now. MUCH more enjoyable to me than the Sam Summer. Speaking of beer, (warning, thread hi-jack) I was in VT this weekend visiting my daughter (at the school that should be renamed after my checkbook) and visited both the Magic Hat(S. Burlington) and Alchemist(Waterbury).

I'll tell ya,, Vermont makes some fine beer. So looking forward to NERDS 2012. End of hi-jack.
I agree wholeheartedly. Sam Summer has become a big joke. Lemon grass and grains of paradise, my ass... Blech.

Did you get any of the Alchemist Heddy Topper? Stuff is priced like gold, but I don't think you can fit more hop flavor in a 16 oz can. Not my favorite, but certainly a benchmark.

So now that you've already passed judgement on 'poon Summer, I can tell you that "the boy" (Fred the thoid) is now working as a brewer at the Windsor, VT Harpoon brewery. How cool is that, eh? Takes home 2 cases a month as a benny, plus anything they put out on the "employee pallet." Plus, being a "cellarman: part of the workday is tasting the beer for, ahem... consistency.

Any of the Leviathan series are well worth tasting too. DAMHIKT! :p

See, you really can make a college English degree work out for ya! :p

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Yep, somehow eight Heady Toppers jumped in the car Sunday. Locked up in the refer right now. Yes, so very tasty!

And I am big fan of the Leviathan brews. I'd been a Harpoon IPA junkie for a long while. But then discovered Smuttynose IPA and that greatly diminished my Harpoon purchases. But variety is good, I still wander into the Dogfish Head and Flying Dog (Raging Bitch IPA is nice) as well as Stone brewery offerings. So much beer, so little time.

I'll be back at UVM in about 10 days to collect my little bundle of joy and her belongings. Maybe I have to pay a visit to the 'Thoid' while I'm up there.

Are we going to internet jail for such a blatant thread steal?

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Those bolt are strong. Two are more than enough to support half the weight of your bike.

Had that been an '06, I'd say we'd finally found a use for a Gen a Piñata! :p
