Ave U !!!!
put my post in
Action may be due by the State, but you may be a fool for supporting abuse of authority and that is what is taking place at the Dragon. The LEO's could use a little common sense instead of an abusive and prejudiced attitude in their enforcement. That you would applaud it will only help perpetuate it by LEO departments and one day it will be you getting harrassed for no real reason.show a total lack of responsibility are the ones to blame.....not the State of Tennessee. I'm going to send e-mails to to the TN governor praising him for his long overdue action.
Hey Inlaw1...Action may be due by the State, but you may be a fool for supporting abuse of authority and that is what is taking place at the Dragon. The LEO's could use a little common sense instead of an abusive and prejudiced attitude in their enforcement. That you would applaud it will only help perpetuate it by LEO departments and one day it will be you getting harrassed for no real reason.show a total lack of responsibility are the ones to blame.....not the State of Tennessee. I'm going to send e-mails to to the TN governor praising him for his long overdue action.
SO your telling me you've never sped or taken a turn faster than the posted speed limit there huh? BSHey Inlaw1...Action may be due by the State, but you may be a fool for supporting abuse of authority and that is what is taking place at the Dragon. The LEO's could use a little common sense instead of an abusive and prejudiced attitude in their enforcement. That you would applaud it will only help perpetuate it by LEO departments and one day it will be you getting harrassed for no real reason.show a total lack of responsibility are the ones to blame.....not the State of Tennessee. I'm going to send e-mails to to the TN governor praising him for his long overdue action.
I don't know how much time you've spent at the Dragon, but I suspect it hasn't been a lot. In my experience, probably somewhere in excess of 80% of the bikers there are riding dangerously.....going too fast for the road, or making stupid passes, etc., etc. Even some otherwise sensible riders get there and seem to lose their better reasoning.....maybe a case of group hysteria taking over.
Whatever the case, the Dragon is one of the most dangerous places you can possibly ride on a bike... due almost exclusively to the presence idiot ****** bikers. However, the danger level is also increased by idiot cagers and truckers. For quite some time, the situation has been absolutely out of control and casual enforcement by the LEO segment has been ineffective in stemming the dangers.
Unfortunately, a complete crackdown ( as was required ) tends to snare the innocent along with the quilty. No doubt, some LEOs tend to go overboard in their enforcement . But, when they are faced with trying to correct what amounts to an almost total disreqard for laws and safety by such a huge number of riders, I can tolerate their actions. And you can be sure that the majority of Leos act in a responsible fashion.
It's sad that the situation at the Dragon has degenerated so badly that this type of response was necessary. To blame the LEOs is shortsighted at best. I absolutely applaud any effort they can make that holds the prospect of restoring safety and sanity to that area. The dismal truth is, however, any positive impact the crackdown will have will likely fade when the LEO's presence fades.
Those that don't like what's going on at the Dragon can do what I do.....stay away from the damn place.