Deals Gap Resort for Sale!

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Not sure the State HP is going to actually shut down a business. What I heard, and this is strictly 2nd hand hear-say, is that the LEO's are going to hassle riders so much that they discourage people from going to the Dragon and Shady Valley. By discouraging potential customers, they, in effect, shut down the business.

Not sure the State HP is going to actually shut down a business. What I heard, and this is strictly 2nd hand hear-say, is that the LEO's are going to hassle riders so much that they discourage people from going to the Dragon and Shady Valley. By discouraging potential customers, they, in effect, shut down the business.

I gave my word not to reveal my source (that means I will NOT say). But my source was personally privy to a conversation with LEO (I can't recall for sure if they said it was Tenn HP or County) who told an area business that they were going to keep writing citations and policing the Deals Gap and Shady Valley areas until all the bikers went away and the businesses shut down. We all know that's just wrong, and it was probably more chest pounding than fact. But the attitude of the conversation gave a clear message.

With the weak economy and the reduced activity at Deals Gap due to so much LEO enforcement, the place up for sale sure makes me think that attitude had to make a difference. I can't help but sympathize with small business owners and their struggle with all aspects of our government, including law enforcement in this case. It's nearly impossible for anyone to run an honest small business nowadays, especially if law enforcement targets their primary customer base.

The reality to me, is that because of the LEO activity and their prominently advertised presence, I avoided the area this past year. So I can say that several stops at the store for fuel, food and novelties didn't happen from me last year. I'm sure I'm not the only one!

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Well does anyone know the price?

The sales page says interested, qualified parties have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. I suspect the asking price is a guarded secret.

Paul Peloquin

IBA #333

Monmouth OR

The owners of the “resort” are probably selling the place, not so much because of the local LEO’s doing their job, rather they are probably selling the place because it is old and outdated and it would cost too much for the upgrades. I’ve been there twice. The first time was about 10 years ago and the second time last October. The place hasn’t changed (or hardly). It’s in a dire need of a refurbish and remodel. Especially with a new breed of bikers, or should I say riders, who slay the Dragon and then want their internet, hot lattes, and dare I say clean mattress to go along with it.

If the current owners want to stay open, then they should try a different marketing campaign. Such as advertising more to people who are smart enough to care for themselves and bikes by riding at least somewhat within legal limits. Versus the current trend of luring people there to push their egos and bikes to their limits (while recording the effort on cameras – only to be watched by others who are sipping their lattes on a clean mattress)!

I would hedge a bet that the first group of people come from or head to Gatlinburg where they spend their money on food, entertainment, and real lodging. I would also bet that with this group there would be less of a need of the local LEO’s to hang around to discourage the flow of piss and vinegar driving down the track with a chip on their shoulder trying to prove something (who by the way end up spilling their blood or others).

Saying that. I know riding or even racing (done right) the Dragon isn’t a death wish. But how many streets in your city have to “prove” how safe they are by tracking the yearly fatalities and serious accidents. Actually those stats are calculated almost every where but when the ratio of vehicles to accidents are as high as the Dragon’s then someone has to ask why (and, hopefully do something about it). So until the Dragon becomes a closed course and restricted to bikers with an attitude with something to prove I say don’t blame the LEO’s for doing a job that they were probably assigned to do.

I'm just wondering if there is a lawyer who practices constitutional law in the house. From the sounds of it the police may be violating the civil rights of a minority group.

Think its carzy? They have singled out a group of people who are perfroming a legal activity and are harassing them based on the "belief" that they are committing an infraction? you cant as a police officer single out a group just because some in that group break the law.

from what I have heard cops are stopping bikers that are not doing anything wrong and this is resulting in a company failing. My bet is that there is a case there.

This gets my vote as the best April Fools joke of the season. :clapping:

Who still thinks it is real? :)

from what I have heard cops are stopping bikers that are not doing anything wrong and this is resulting in a company failing. My bet is that there is a case there.

I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, but as a general rule, the law protects you from discrimination based on race, creed, color, country of national origin, and in some cases gender and disability.

"Motorcyclist" isn't a protected category. The case wouldn't fly. And most of us hate going to lawyers to solve our issues anyway.

I was talking to some relatives who live in the general area recently, and the TN cops are really responding to public opinion in the area. These folks don't ride and have never been there, but had a lot to say about it. Clearly, the local news outlets are playing up the hooligans-are-killing-themselves-and-are-a-threat-to-God-and-Country angle. Heck, we even hear that from folks around here. The only way to save the place as a biker road is for folks who go down there to start playing nice, chat up the locals, maybe set up a few big charity rides or something to bring in positive PR. Or bribe a local reporter. They're cheap. ;)

I was planning a trip down there this summer or next because I never rode it on the FJR. I think I'll leave it on hold for awhile. I'm spending most of this summer's free time heading to NAFO anyway. :D

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I'm going to go out on a limb and take the other side. Has it crossed anyone's mind that maybe the current seller just wants to sell it to do something else or maybe retire? They just remodeled the entire store/restaurant last year, maybe that was all part of a bigger plan? :dntknw:

To think the place is going broke is absurd! I was just up there not long ago and there was probably 150 bikes in there and it was a week day.


from what I have heard cops are stopping bikers that are not doing anything wrong and this is resulting in a company failing. My bet is that there is a case there.

I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, but as a general rule, the law protects you from discrimination based on race, creed, color, country of national origin, and in some cases gender and disability.

"Motorcyclist" isn't a protected category. The case wouldn't fly. And most of us hate going to lawyers to solve our issues anyway.

I was talking to some relatives who live in the general area recently, and the TN cops are really responding to public opinion in the area. These folks don't ride and have never been there, but had a lot to say about it. Clearly, the local news outlets are playing up the hooligans-are-killing-themselves-and-are-a-threat-to-God-and-Country angle. Heck, we even hear that from folks around here. The only way to save the place as a biker road is for folks who go down there to start playing nice, chat up the locals, maybe set up a few big charity rides or something to bring in positive PR. Or bribe a local reporter. They're cheap. ;)

I was planning a trip down there this summer or next because I never rode it on the FJR. I think I'll leave it on hold for awhile. I'm spending most of this summer's free time heading to NAFO anyway. :D
I agree...the case wouldn't fly. The LEO's are "targeting" the motorcyclists...not the local businesses. The local business owners are just "collateral damage." Your court case would get thrown out because the LEO's are just "doing their job."

It's not just 'bikes' = motorcycles, there are bikes = bicycles and many car clubs that frequent the Dragon. Heck there are even misguided heavy haul trucks too. Oh ya, Ma/Paw & family type tourists also. Guess the local economy is so good they can just say no to $$$ because they have an attitude.

The owners of the “resort” are probably selling the place, not so much because of the local LEO’s doing their job, rather they are probably selling the place because it is old and outdated and it would cost too much for the upgrades. I’ve been there twice. The first time was about 10 years ago and the second time last October. The place hasn’t changed (or hardly). It’s in a dire need of a refurbish and remodel. Especially with a new breed of bikers, or should I say riders, who slay the Dragon and then want their internet, hot lattes, and dare I say clean mattress to go along with it.
If the current owners want to stay open, then they should try a different marketing campaign. Such as advertising more to people who are smart enough to care for themselves and bikes by riding at least somewhat within legal limits. Versus the current trend of luring people there to push their egos and bikes to their limits (while recording the effort on cameras – only to be watched by others who are sipping their lattes on a clean mattress)!

I would hedge a bet that the first group of people come from or head to Gatlinburg where they spend their money on food, entertainment, and real lodging. I would also bet that with this group there would be less of a need of the local LEO’s to hang around to discourage the flow of piss and vinegar driving down the track with a chip on their shoulder trying to prove something (who by the way end up spilling their blood or others).

Saying that. I know riding or even racing (done right) the Dragon isn’t a death wish. But how many streets in your city have to “prove” how safe they are by tracking the yearly fatalities and serious accidents. Actually those stats are calculated almost every where but when the ratio of vehicles to accidents are as high as the Dragon’s then someone has to ask why (and, hopefully do something about it). So until the Dragon becomes a closed course and restricted to bikers with an attitude with something to prove I say don’t blame the LEO’s for doing a job that they were probably assigned to do.
Dude, Take a deep breathe!! If you don't like the place go elsewhere. As the Admin of Drama, that's enough out of you for the day!! :D A couple more posts like that and I will have to make you an associate member of the drama club! ;)

from what I have heard cops are stopping bikers that are not doing anything wrong and this is resulting in a company failing. My bet is that there is a case there.

I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, but as a general rule, the law protects you from discrimination based on race, creed, color, country of national origin, and in some cases gender and disability.

"Motorcyclist" isn't a protected category. The case wouldn't fly. And most of us hate going to lawyers to solve our issues anyway.

I was talking to some relatives who live in the general area recently, and the TN cops are really responding to public opinion in the area. These folks don't ride and have never been there, but had a lot to say about it. Clearly, the local news outlets are playing up the hooligans-are-killing-themselves-and-are-a-threat-to-God-and-Country angle. Heck, we even hear that from folks around here. The only way to save the place as a biker road is for folks who go down there to start playing nice, chat up the locals, maybe set up a few big charity rides or something to bring in positive PR. Or bribe a local reporter. They're cheap. ;)

I was planning a trip down there this summer or next because I never rode it on the FJR. I think I'll leave it on hold for awhile. I'm spending most of this summer's free time heading to NAFO anyway. :D

Well I am no lawyer and perhaps its not a civil rights case but if I am riding a motorcycle that is perfectly leagal and I am following the laws and I get pulled over without just cause that is police harrassment IMO and if they are singling out groups of people based on any cultural characteristic that could be construed as the police excersizing predjudical bias.

Me's thinks you just dont know any good laywers :) But I admit I am probably wrong.

I don't blame the LEOs for enforcing the law. That's their job. The local economy may benefit from the tourism but I'm not sure that offsets the cost of providing emergency services every time someone crashes.

Even if the LEOs set up a permanent speed trap on the Dragon they could stop the activities on that particular road, but there are plenty of good roads in the area. I would expect that there would still be a pretty good local tourist industry. I suppose the Deal's Gap Resort makes their living out of catering specifically to people who ride the Dragon, so they'll have to change their business plan or risk going out of business.

It is not just motorcycles that push their limits on the Dragon. It is not unusual to find an expensive sports car in the trees along that road. I wonder if enforcement is focussed specifically on two wheelers.

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This gets my vote as the best April Fools joke of the season. :clapping:
Who still thinks it is real? :)
Dude, no joke. Go to Deal's Gap Resort's website. It's for real. This sucks. I agree with jwilly, the potential reasons for selling could be completely reasonable, not just due to being bullied out of business. There have been people who have avoided the area due to potential increased risk of dealing with LEO's, but for myself, I still went last year to experience the Dragon. I had nothing to prove to myself or anyone else. I stayed within the laws, rode responsibly, and enjoyed the road the way it's upposed to be. I even saw LEO's but was not bothered once. Maybe to do with responsible riding or just lucky, who knows. And no, RangerK9, I was NOT driving as slow as slug snot FYI!

This gets my vote as the best April Fools joke of the season. :clapping:
Who still thinks it is real? :)
Dude, no joke. Go to Deal's Gap Resort's website. It's for real. This sucks. I agree with jwilly, the potential reasons for selling could be completely reasonable, not just due to being bullied out of business. There have been people who have avoided the area due to potential increased risk of dealing with LEO's, but for myself, I still went last year to experience the Dragon. I had nothing to prove to myself or anyone else. I stayed within the laws, rode responsibly, and enjoyed the road the way it's upposed to be. I even saw LEO's but was not bothered once. Maybe to do with responsible riding or just lucky, who knows. And no, RangerK9, I was NOT driving as slow as slug snot FYI!

This thread is a load of crap.

I went to Deal's Gap last fall (see avitar) and didn't see any LEOs at all. I did see a thriving business. If the owners want to sell, it probably just be a profit oriented move.

The LEOs are obligated to do their job, as expensive as that may be to them.

I think that you guys are reading too much into this. If you check it out they almost tore the place down last year and totally rebuilt it (the store part)

If they are really selling it ... I don't believe it is because of the police...

Until they pave a 4 lane highway through the area bikes will always come to ride those roads.

This thread is a load of crap.I went to Deal's Gap last fall (see avitar) and didn't see any LEOs at all. I did see a thriving business. If the owners want to sell, it probably just be a profit oriented move.

The LEOs are obligated to do their job, as expensive as that may be to them.

Yeah, its all crap :glare:

This thread is a load of crap.I went to Deal's Gap last fall (see avitar) and didn't see any LEOs at all. I did see a thriving business. If the owners want to sell, it probably just be a profit oriented move.

The LEOs are obligated to do their job, as expensive as that may be to them.
operative word above is "fall".

had you been there in august you would have seen a heavy leo presence. we were there 3rd week of september and still saw plenty of leo's. they weren't the stormtroopers that were allegedly there as reported on totd's site, but we could tell it was heavier than usual.

re: the questions in this thread as far as future heavy enforcement, i'm all for cause and effect. if leo's want to write me a ticket for something i'm not doing wrong, i will take it to court. if everyone does that (even taking case to court when they're in the wrong), the courts are going to get backed up. cause and effect. of course, it may backfire by having grumpy judges, who knows.

last year when i read on the totd website that they were citing for having your shield up, but sunglasses on, that you didn't have proof that the s/glasses were shatterproof, i emailed tn highway patrol and asked what they would want to see from me on a pair of sunglasses that were 6 months old or older. i also pointed out that i, too, was a law enforcement officer and would not want to put a fellow leo at risk unneccessarily. they responded with the same "statement" taht was on the totd website, but never personally replied.


