Death of an FJR

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Hi all
Phil thanks you for the concern.

He has had the insurance settlement and they gave him book price for the carnage. He did try to buy the bike back but they wanted too much for it, it would have been too much hassle to break and distrabute.

I will get him to give me a blow by blow of what happened and pass it on to you.

Anyone know what the normal modus operandi of the insurance gudgies is when it comes to pay out?
Its probably different in Scotland than the US. There are also a lot of variables that may or may not force insurance companies to cooperate, how did the accident occur, who's at fault, what type of injuries and what might the long term effects from these injuries be for example.

Here in the US a couple of the larger insurance companies have taken the approach of offering ridiculously low settlements and then forcing the accident victim to take them to court if they want anything more. Very time consuming and expensive, which is what they're counting on knowing that most people will settle for the reduced amount.

With the litigation and insurance practices here in California I'm not sure anyone gets a fair settlement on any claim, accept for the attorneys of coarse... :rolleyes:

By the looks of the photos it appears Phil was "lucky" the deer fence was there, stopping him from the downhill journey to the rocks of the river....good thing it was not an electrified type of fence! Get well and back in the saddle soon!
In my case, the insurance company did a survey of local dealers to determine retail value. This amount was offered as settlement for the totaled bike. Once the offer was accepted by me, they prepared a check. I had to bring them the title for the bike in exchange for the check.

Had there been a lein holder on the title, the settlement check would have gone to the leinholder. Once the lein debt was satisfied, any surplus funds would have come back to me.

In my case, the insurance company did a survey of local dealers to determine retail value. This amount was offered as settlement for the totaled bike. Once the offer was accepted by me, they prepared a check. I had to bring them the title for the bike in exchange for the check.Had there been a lein holder on the title, the settlement check would have gone to the leinholder. Once the lein debt was satisfied, any surplus funds would have come back to me.
That a new picture of the wife Scab?

Sounds like you guys get screwed from the insurance people. Time to let them know that they are OUR employees and we pay the wages.

Phil got full book price for his bike. He still lost a few bob tho.

That a new picture of the wife Scab?
New for here, but from earlier in her life than my last pic.

Sounds like you guys get screwed from the insurance people. Time to let them know that they are OUR employees and we pay the wages.
Phil got full book price for his bike. He still lost a few bob tho.
Well, with mine, they did the survey because they did not have enough information for make a value judgement. In truth, the bike was 2 years old, with 29,000 miles. I paid $11,700 for it new. They settled for $11,883. Of course, there were a couple of farkles.

Phil fall down go BOOM....... Phil get back up again....

Heal Phil Heal

Learn from this too.... I did mine.. I figgure unless you are scab you only get one like that

Lucky that fence was there! I hate it when my whole bike goes in the river after I wreck it.

Wait a minute... that's not a knee! that's a knee.

Get well soon Bill!

With a name like Price I wouldn't know anything about crazy Welshmen....but Phil someone's watching over you as things could have been alot worse for you and the bike. Learn to live, live to learn and ride another day. Blessings and prayers on ya my man, Be safe, Painman. <>< ;)
