Dec Ride

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I figure its a 3 1/2 hr drive for me and you are about 1.25 from me. Does a 2 hr ride from your place sound about right? If so I'll meet you about 7 Sat morn. pick a spot. (and you know I'll be late)

i am unhappily reporting that i am unable to make the ride.

wasnt able to get day off that i needed, in my line of work, not always

that easy on short notice.

being up all night, then looking at 7+ hrs of riding, i dont think i would make it.

of course if by some freak of nature, things change, i will be there.

have the meeting spot, i would really like go.

if i dont see you

ride safe, have fun, take some pics



Scab,I figure its a 3 1/2 hr drive for me and you are about 1.25 from me. Does a 2 hr ride from your place sound about right? If so I'll meet you about 7 Sat morn. pick a spot. (and you know I'll be late)
Your time estimates sound 'bout right. How about we meet at the Heflin Huddle House. At the interchange of I-20 and Hwy 9. I think it is exit number 199.

Fist time we met up, was at Cracker Barrel in Oxford - I think that was exit 188. The next exit is for Hwy 431 and the next one after that is Hwy 9.

I'm in (as long as I can get on the road by 0400).

If I get behind, what is the planned route from the waffle house? I'll try to catch up.


I'm in (as long as I can get on the road by 0400).
If I get behind, what is the planned route from the waffle house? I'll try to catch up.

I'm not sure about the Sat. route. But PM me if you have Streets&Trips and I'll send you the maps I generated as well as my route in on Friday. Will include my cell number so that you can reach me if that will help.

Dont' want (or plan) to leave anyone behind. If you are running late we could plan a secondary rendevouz point with you.

I was off last weekend. Just rode by myself. Good Carma.....

Cant make the ride this weekend. Working :(

This happened last ride to Cheeha.

I smell a conspiracy.... <_<

I would really love to hook up with ya'll for this but I will be flying back into ATL late Friday night and I've been gone all week. That means I need some time with my squeeze Saturday morning, ya know, so I don't think I can make the 10 am at the WaHo. Maybe I can hook up with you a little later. Or are you Bamians spending the night in NGA and doing some more ride on Sunday? Maybe I could meet you for part of your ride back out. Since I'll be traveling the rest of the day today, I won't get too check in on this till late tonight or Saturday AM.

Do you have a definite plan for lunch Saturday? I might make that.

How about Sunday?

to the riders - I'm checking in, home safe.

I dropped Scab off about 1.5 ago

Extreme Marine, don't forget to check in. I figure you should be 1.5 behind my post unle you stop for dinner.

I will post again when I thaw.

590 miles on the clock today!!!!

Thanks for a great ride.

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Trailer Queen checking in...

At my brother's in Lincolnton.

Enjoyed the ride immensely!

Be sure to check out the pictures I posted in Ride Reports.


I made it, tire held up, no cords showing. although I don't think I can call it a pilot road anymore; pilot drag is more appropriate...

870 miles for me today, great ride except for the 350 miles of superslab at the beginning and end. Need to hit that area again once the salt & sand is cleaned off the road this spring.




it is 37.5 this morning on the rear, it was 38psi when checked it friday night. Looking at it in the daylight now, it is worn through to the inner carcass in spots, no cords showing yet, but it's definitely cooked.


Just out of curiosity, go check your air pressue in that tire.
Atlanta FJR club

I just want to pop in and remind any new FJR owners that we have an email list of FJR\Touring bike riders that meet for rides, more oftenly in the summer.

Typically we meet on Sundays at the Wendys parking lot on GA400 and 53 around 9:00am

If you would like to be included on the emails, please send me your email address.

[email protected]

Atlanta FJR club
that meet for rides, more oftenly in the summer.
Why didn't you boys come out to play? Was it Too cold in your own back yard? :cold: :bike: :crazy: :confusedsmiley:

There was only a little ice


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They’re talking high 60’s around here this Fri and Sat. :victory: Any of ya’ll from last weekend’s North GA ride going back out?

Whispering now :secret: ….want ya’ll to know that I was very reluctant to post this question after backing out of last weekend’s “artic temped” adventure.

Nah, actually, just couldn't resist "stirring the pot" a little!


Hey look guys, The FAIR WEATHER FANS are coming out to play!!! :p

Just kidding, would love to join you this weekend but we have family in town.

Be careful and stay away from SCAB!! :clapping:

