Deer killed my '05, replaced with 2014 ES, I'm impressed !

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2005
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Wilmington, DE
So there I am, minding my own business on November 30th, riding the '05 for a good battery charge & getting ready to put some StaBil in the tank for the slow season. Out of nowhere this ******* deer jumps right in front of me, no time to react, just BANG. I went down, baby went down, deer disappeared (although it had to have internal injuries, based on the condition of my front forks...).

Spent 2 1/2 days in the hospital with 5 cracked ribs & very minor road rash, pretty lucky really.

I got notified by my insurance company they would reimburse me 7598 (less $1000 deductible) for the '05 (63000 miles) and another 375 for the jacket & helmet. So once I knew I was going to get a decent amount for the '05, I decided to look for a '14 leftover, now, before the Spring season ups all the prices. Found out there was an electronic suspension model, sounded good to me. I had done progressive front fork springs on the '05 (thanks Warchild) as well as the Wilburs rear shock (thanks again Warchild), and the better/adjustable suspension of the ES sounded like just the ticket for me so I wouldn't have to do suspension work all over again.

So... Picked it up 12/26, put on 90 miles (light to meduim flogging) & just changed the oil. Came with the battleax tires.

The '14ES seems way better than the '05, here's my list

1) Suspension seems stronger, even set at single rider, regular.

2) Brakes seem stronger.

3) Engine is way smoother than the '05. When I got the '05 there was buzzing in the handlebars which slowly went away as I packed on the miles (& added some large billet bar ends). The '14 has no handlebar vibration at all. How'd they do that ?

4) Shift into first, there is no 'clunk', just slips into gear, Again, how'd they do that ?

5) I love heated grips ( played the stoic with the '05... )

6) Engine seems stronger, jeez, the FJR just keeps getting faster...

7) Cigarette lighter plug socket.

8) No throttle off/on jerk like what the '05 had, this is SMOOTH going from off to on. How'd they do that ?

9) I like red.

Negatives so far

1) The windshied (of course). At 6'3'' & an upright position, I'll have to find a nice tall shield for those long vacation weeks.

2) No bags for the side cases (but I kept my old ones JIC so I'm OK)

3) I'm sure I'll find something else but for now that's it!

I'm really impressed by how well mama Yammie has incrementally improved the bike over the 9 years from my '05 to this '14. Haven't tried the cruise control yet. Still have to learn all the display setup & switching & such.

Already have the Gripster for the tank & the reflector film for the rear of the bags, now I have to find a Givi frame to fit my Monokey top case from the '05.


Paid 14090 OTD tax tags title

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Congrats on your ride.....but you need to go back to the dealer and get your side case bags. They are re-designed for the ES, slightly smaller, but actually fit in the side cases when filled.

Congrats on your ride.....but you need to go back to the dealer and get your side case bags. They are re-designed for the ES, slightly smaller, but actually fit in the side cases when filled.
I agree, the bag liners are supposed to be included if you are in the U.S.

My compliments on getting back up and on another FJR, my very low speed get-off and broken rib(s) were more annoying than I can say.

Your impressions of the Gen3 with ES are right with mine. The suspension differences between Dad's '07 and my '15 ES are huge. Everything about the suspension, starting with the ride height has changed for the better. Of course it is now impossible for me to "flat-foot" at a stop but I can live with that.

I also appreciate that Yamaha has listened to its customer base and continued to refine this wonderful motorcycle. I had hoped that Honda would do the same with their ST1300 but they let that bike die off for reasons I don't understand. That forced me toward the Yamaha and I have not been sorry.

With your slaying of the Gen1, I'm surprised no faithfuls like RH haven't yet slammed in. Maybe they're finally seeing the light ;)

Sorry to hear about the accident, glad you are up and going again tho. Congrats on the new bike!

With your slaying of the Gen1, I'm surprised no faithfuls like RH haven't yet slammed in. Maybe they're finally seeing the light
What would be the point?

My Gen 1 Cost me about the same as a couple of ECUs from a Gen 3. It's Galaxy Blue, fast, comfortable and paid for. Would I swap it for a Gen 3? Of course I would but if the exchange ended up costing me a bunch of money I would be worse off, not better off.

I can get it up mountain passes, down dirt roads and at 80 mph on the Interstate it is barely trying. What's not to love?

Gotta imagine that it is still not much fun to yawn, cough, sneeze or heaven forbid hiccup with those ribs. Nice to see as a fellow rider that you are already back at it. The display set up is a breeze. Heal quickly and enjoy getting to know the new bike.


I didn't take any pics when I went to see baby at the shop after I got out of the hospital, too disheartening.

Not quite ATTGATT, always wear the helmet & the jacket with 2 sets of pads. Had on new fleece jeans (that the hospital cut off) and hiking boots (not the riding boots). Was going somewhere between 40 & 45 at the time. Did not lose consciousness at any time. After I stopped rolling & started to skid flat, the memory that will always stay with me is watching baby sliding down the road ahead of me, sparks flying where the engine side plate was getting ground down, slowly spinning. I had installed the engine protector doughnuts back when I bought the bike, they worked except for the side plate. After I got up, which took awhile, I went over to the bike & turned off the key. I was hurting pretty bad & did not think to look for the deer at that point. There was a small amount of deer fur & blood on the forks, but I bet that sucker died later of internal injuries...

I'm going out for more break-in & will post pics of the tears in the mesh jacket for the curious.


Deer did not do me any favors, I loved the '05, it took me cross country multiple times with no problems, I had the suspension & Russell seat & luggage just like I wanted. Now I have to farkle all over again, not that that is bad, just costs more $$.

Of course, now that I've driven the '14, I see how much better of a bike it is, so I am very very happy with the replacement.

The new seat seems alot more comfortable than the original '05, but I'll have to do a 600 mile day after break-in to see if I am going to want to pull the trigger on another Russell.

(MCRIDE007 & Redfish Hunter)

I'll get ahold of the dealer & let them know they should be supplying the bags, with a mention of a possible call to mama Yammie if they do not come through. Thanks for the info !


Well, tomorrow it'll be 4 weeks since the deerstrike, & I can now cough with no problems, although a good sneeze still generates a painful twinge on my left side.


I loved my '05, & if I could go back in time I would choose a different route & still have it. No it wouldn't be a '14, but the I wanted to run the '05 until it wore out, which would have been three or four times the miles I had on it (63k).

With your slaying of the Gen1, I'm surprised no faithfuls like RH haven't yet slammed in. Maybe they're finally seeing the light

Sorry to hear about the accident, glad you are up and going again tho. Congrats on the new bike!
I'm gonna ass-u-me that the "RH" you mentioned is me...

To be brutally honest, if Frankenbike passed away tomorrow and I was handed $10,000 for my trouble, a new FJR probably wouldn't be in my future.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my '04, but I also am sick-to-death of wrestling this 650 pound pig around every day. The FJ-09 is looking better and better with each passing review and picture I see. And weighing 225 pounds less is a giant plus!

(and I don't see chain-drive as a minus, either)

Congrats on the new ride

7,598 seems like top dollar plus for a 05. Bet it would be hard sell it for that much money. With the pain and suffering from sliding down the road it's an awful way to upgrade.

My 04 had a hair under 90,000 mikes when Bambi killed it, heck it was just broke in.

Congrats on the new ride bb...although there are easier ways to upgrade the FJR!

Having ridden a '13 & '14ES, I can safely say they reflect Yamaha's continuous improvement(s) to the bike.

Have fun farkling out the new scoot!


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Check under and behind that rear seat for the extra lock....

Don't forget to locktite those bag lock screws. Congrats on the new ride....

Congrats on the new ride
7,598 seems like top dollar plus for a 05. Bet it would be hard sell it for that much money. With the pain and suffering from sliding down the road it's an awful way to upgrade.

My 04 had a hair under 90,000 mikes when Bambi killed it, heck it was just broke in.
That's what I was thinking. When it came time to sell mine, maybe I should've gone bambi hunting, (deep pain free sigh) naw, probably not. Glad you weren't hurt more than you were, but as said before, one hell of a way to get an upgrade.

Question, do you notice the longer swing arm and extra weight much vs. your Gen I?

+1 on Warpdrv's suggestion, make double sure you locktite the security screws on the bag locks. If you do not have the security torx bits you can get them at Harbour Freight for less $$'s.


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