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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
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Creston, CA
From another forum.











2 more pix on the site I listed above, but you get the idea :sick: :sicksmiley02: :skull: :sicksmiley: :sick:

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I recently watched a news program that stated there were 1.5 million collisions between motor vehicles and deer last year and 190 fatalities. The fatalities were up from 105 the year before and over half were motorcyclists. These numbers will continue to go up unless something is done to control the deer population which has been at an all time high for years. I am not a hunter but can't help but think that some much longer hunting seasons would be a benefit for everyone.

Thanks '007' for the stats. I've heard that there are more deer now than there were when the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock! Having been the recipient of deer hits (several times) I'm very opinionated about it. It borders on criminal and (trying hard not to be 'political'), I think, the insurance companies keep quiet about it because if fosters their existence? Also, lots of people feed deer -- yet, don't fence them -- what's up with that?

I think we can do something about it -- if the state govt.s could give up the monies they receive from hunting licenses -- and, we all could live without the outdoor/hunting industry? The move to "phony" hunting on private land where the animals are raised and held for the hunter may be one of the possible answers to the problem?

'Forest Rats' are bad -- Larry Grodsky was good.

The deer lost..
I'd be willing to bet the car lost (totalled) as well. It would be a great candidate for those Carfax commercials...."Freshly painted and detailed".

LOL..TC cuttin it up again...too funny

I hope kids weren't in the back, depending on their nature, that could cause nightmares for a long time, or a lot of giggles if they have a mean streak like me ;)

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I recently watched a news program that stated there were 1.5 million collisions between motor vehicles and deer last year and 190 fatalities. The fatalities were up from 105 the year before and over half were motorcyclists. These numbers will continue to go up unless something is done to control the deer population which has been at an all time high for years. I am not a hunter but can't help but think that some much longer hunting seasons would be a benefit for everyone.
Whoa! dc thats some grusome stuff! :eek:

And 007's stats are right, an excerpt for the State Farm site:

"Some states experience more collisions with deer than others. According to claim statistics from State Farm - which insures more vehicles than any other company in the United States - the states with the highest number of accidents involving deer between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005 were:











Drivers in these states, and all others, who heed some helpful tips, can avoid becoming involved in one of the estimated 1.5 million vehicle-deer collisions that take place across the United States each year. These alarming numbers of accidents kill more than 150 motorists each year and result in more than $1.1 billion in vehicle damage. A recent National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report recently revealed that vehicle-animal collisions rose 24 percent in 2000-01 when compared with 1992-93 (NHTSA does not make distinctions on the type of animal).

Even more alarming are recent studies that show the deer population is growing exponentially across the United States. This means deer, many of which are being displaced by urban sprawl, are left wandering as they seek a mate and flee hunters, often leading them on to busy roads.

Several remedies have been proposed and studied to help mitigate the dangers of vehicle-deer collisions. One such study included the use of radar to detect deer movement near roads, and when a deer was detected, an active deer crossing sign was illuminated. Other studies have focused on keeping deer out of the roadway through long runs of eight-foot-tall chain link fencing that keep deer confined and out of the roadway.

"While research has revealed several innovative ways to deter deer from entering the roadways and alerting drivers to the dangers of deer in the area, there will always remain a constant danger of vehicle-deer collisions," said John Nepomuceno, Research Administrator for State Farm. "Undoubtedly, the best way to avoid deer-vehicle collisions is through attentive driving behavior.""


Radar deer detectors? Active deer crossing signs? A gazillion miles of deer fence? :dribble:

I think a better solution would be legalized Doe hunts and up to three deer per tag until we see a noticable reduction in deer strikes! I'm not a hunter but I think this would make the deer hunters happy, motorists happy, insurance companies happy, NRA happy, butcher shops happy, and PETA really pissed off! :glare: Plus it's virtually no cost to the public! I like it!!! ;)

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"While research has revealed several innovative ways to deter deer from entering the roadways and alerting drivers to the dangers of deer in the area, there will always remain a constant danger of vehicle-deer collisions," said John Nepomuceno, Research Administrator for State Farm. "Undoubtedly, the best way to avoid deer-vehicle collisions is through attentive driving behavior.""

I read on a post recently (can't remember where) that someone mounted deer whistles onto his motorbike. Unfortunately he put them on facing backwards and now the deer chase after him.

K-boom, boom.... "try the veal, I'm here till Thursday, etc...."

Anyone know if the deer whistles actually work?
I've read reports of experiments where they attach them to cars then drive at high speed towards deer - and they must work because when the car gets quite close to the deer, they all run away.

Anyone know if the deer whistles actually work?
There are many reports that say that the whistles don't work. The only ones that claim the whistles do work are either the whistle manufacturers or sellers of whistles. There are several (claimed) flaws with the whistles. *The frequency is actually out of the deer's hearing range. *The volume produced by the whistles is too low to be heard over vehicle wind noise. *Strange noises sometimes freezes deer movement, but sometimes spooks them into running too. *If deer whistles were common then they wouldn't be an unusual noise :blink:
You can read a bit about it at Wikipedia, a study by UConn Edu, and the good ol' boys over at the BMW Airhead site quote a piece out of Rider Magazine.

If you have a deer whistle installed and never hit a deer is it because the whistle is working or is it just good fortune? Story/joke: George is sitting outside on a lawn chair enjoying a warm spring Missouri day. Every minute or so he claps his hands, then puts them together prayer fashion, and makes a downward wiggling motion with his hands. His friend who happened to be walking by asks George what he's doing. George says he is scaring elephants away. George’s friend looks at him in an incredulous way and says that there are no elephants anyplace in the area. George says, "See, it's working!" Works just like the deer whistles.

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Anyone know if the deer whistles actually work?
I rode a bike with deer whistles for several years and had dozens of encounters with deer. They always did one of 4 things: (1) picked their ears up and stared at me, (2) completely ignored me, (3) ran away from me, or (4) ran at me. I never actually hit a deer but the deer whistles went with the bike and I haven't replaced them. Now when I encounter a deer one of 4 things happens .......

I recently watched a news program that stated there were 1.5 million collisions between motor vehicles and deer last year and 190 fatalities. The fatalities were up from 105 the year before and over half were motorcyclists. These numbers will continue to go up unless something is done to control the deer population which has been at an all time high for years. I am not a hunter but can't help but think that some much longer hunting seasons would be a benefit for everyone.

Speaking as another non-hunter, I'm inclined to agree. On a ride through the Caspar, Wyoming area in '05 Bambies were thicker'n flies. Road-killed carci on the freeway shoulder every mile or so.

I'm not a hunter, but living and riding in VA scares the shit out of me - especially during this past year. Those damn overgrown rodents are everywhere - and I mean EVERYWHERE! I'm not exaggerating in the least bit. I live just outside of DC near the Civil War Battlefields in Northern Virginia. They crap all over my yard and don't even run away any more when I take my dog out back. They stare at my dog, my dog stares at them and I stand there incredulous to the whole thing. :huh:

Like I said, I'm not a hunter, but I'm all for longer (or sustained) hunting seasons. I never thought I could imagine myself looking through a scope and plucking bambi in the head with a 30-30, but recently I've been thinking hard about it.... :glare:

Last year I rode the Skyline Drive, from start to finish, early one morning. By the time I reached where it joined up to the BRP, I was an absolute basket case. I bet I didn't see over 15 cars the whole way but must have seen at least 250 deer....maybe more. I was absolutely scared to go over 35 mph. The deer were EVERYWHERE....standing in the road, darting all over the place. I went though one pack where I passed within several feet of a couple of them....stood there and looked at me. It was UNBELIEVABLE.
