Deer strike

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Heath, TX

Got this off the Guzzi board. It is quite long.

I meant be vigilAnt - can't spell - sorry!

I guess I should add that this is a dramatization.

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Have to agree with all the previous posts on this thread. I have seen the link on other boards.


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Very dramatic, could be a true scenario I guess, looking to shock (as in contrived like a movie where they hide the facts until it can be injected to provide the most shock factor possible). It almost could be used by an anti-motorcycle group to say, "See I told you". We take risks everyday, just getting out of bed, you can't anticipate every damn thing in your life, the more I think about that video, the more I don't like it. JMHO

p.s. Okay, I'm the film director: Instead of the guy in the car stopping and helping the motorcyle ricer, he doesn't see the fallen rider until it is too late and runs him over, killing him; so now the guy is dead and the bitch is 'still' dead. I'm calling ******** on this one.
