Definition of a motorcycle faux pas?

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In 1982 (back old days, when I was riding HDs), A gal and I were on our way to Sturgis and decided to spend the night in Custer, SD. Got a motel room (old-style, separate cabins) and walked back a couple of blocks downtown to get some beers and chow.
About 3-4 hours later when we got back, every other cabin except ours and one other was occupied by the "Angels." The gal I was with was scared $hitless all night. I talked to several of them and they were pretty friendly. Heck, in the morning when I was "saddling-up", one of them was passing by and gave me a couple of breakfast beers. They were ok. You just don't want to do something stupid and stir up a hornets nest though....

As a sidelight, the local and state Gestapo were shadowing them (expecting trouble) and were there running plates (FBI/NCIC registration checks).
that's humorous, that is. calling the local leo's "gestapos" for running plates on vehicles of members groups known to be involved in organized crime. that's real funny, that is.

As a sidelight, the local and state Gestapo were shadowing them (expecting trouble) and were there running plates (FBI/NCIC registration checks).
that's humorous, that is. calling the local leo's "gestapos" for running plates on vehicles of members groups known to be involved in organized crime. that's real funny, that is.
Well, I think you may be taking an offhand comment a bit too seriously.

But for the sake of discussion, if they weren't breaking any laws, then "shadowing them (expecting trouble) and ... running plates (FBI/NCIC registration checks)" seems more provocative than anything else, which frankly does makes it seem like gestapo behavior. But then I may be a little sensitive. My relatives were rounded up and gassed by the actual gestapo for being members of a group thought by the police to be involved in crimes.

When you do something, you can't just look at your own motives, no matter how pure and justified and righteous you think those motives are. Intimidating police behavior simply makes people angry and makes them feell singled out and picked on, which of course just makes them more anti-social. (Of course this assumes that your goal isn't to accomplish exactly that.)

And before you jump on me for defending poor, innocent Hell's Angels, yes, I know that they're involved in orgnized crime and lots of other reprehensible behavior. But if they weren't doing anything wrong at that moment, if they were simply riding, then I can't see how the presence of LEOs is designed to do anything but be intimidating.

Sure they're a bad bunch, but there's entirely too much hysteria among LEOs about motorcycle gang members, many of whom are simply poseurs in need of better hygiene.

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This is not directed at anyone is dont' no one git rilled up!

I personally have at least a dozen or so friends... they rode in the 60 and 70's... no club affiliation, no Hells' Angels, Bandito's or anything...just guys that rode MOTORCYCLES....

BECAUSE they were on a bike, they were stopped by the police, told to make sure they got out of town as soon as they got the gas tanks filled, told motels had no rooms, turned away at restaurants. Oh yeah..... this was to my brother, a skinny 19 year old kid riding a Triumph, along with a couple of his friends. Another friend was broken down on the side of the road in California, he did have a Harley, no club affiliation. CHIP asked him what he was doing on HIS road... and to get the H* off, broken bike or not.

Talk to some of the older riders, especially ones that ride old Harleys and the cops would stop them for no reason.

Stop for gas, and son, you'd better not be seen here again.

Oh and a 650cc was considered a BIG bike.

The guys said they just kept a low profile and tried to not let it bother them.

I would strongly suggest not talking about any REAL motorcycle clubs.... they are NOT gangs, ...unless you KNOW what you are talking about.

And if you know what you are talking about, you won't talk about it. There is enough evidence to say that FJR forum is a gang. Constant communication, exchange of goods, and meetings. Sounds verrryyy suspicious to me!

Also.... in at least one county in California, it's illegal for more than THREE people to be together publically, otherwise, it can be considered a gang.... the legislation was directed at bikers, but in effect, it also applied to the local Boy Scouts. Maybe it was Long Beach? dont' remember....

Oh yeah, Washington state does the take names and check lic plates list too.....So if you go to a Toy Run or something, and you see lots of cops, you'll know why you're name and number's on a list. Because you're on a bike.

Ok, I'll shut up now....


Amazing! These guys were riding in two rows of six, just one, maybe two bike lengths between each rider. Their movements were as precise as a Marine drill team - just perfect unison. When one hit the throttle, they ALL hit the throttle - at the same time, every time (tremendous roar). When one rolled off, they ALL rolled off; when one moved left to pass, they ALL moved left to pass. At first I thought they might be some kind of precision motorcycle drill team (stupid me - hey, it's Sunday morning!).

Inbreeding....................... :assassin: :blink: That's their secret.
