Did Not Start Last Night

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Jun 14, 2005
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Well, I got back last friday from my trip, scheduled the 16k service with my dealer, and started it to get it in to the dealer...

No startie!! :angry: :blink:

The battery was turning the starter fine, but no catchie. The starter sound was definitely different, I smelled fuel after awhile but no catchie.

I will look at the owner's manual tonight to see if I can fix whatever it is - but mainly hope that it starts again on its own so I can get it to the dealer. I was too angry last night to even deal with it!!

I did give it a good cleaning on saturday with soap and the garden hose so maybe water got in somewhere where it shouldn't but I doubt it....

There was NO HINT of anything like this on the trip.

I'm thinking that either moisture problem or bad starter?? Really don't have a clue how to rectify any of that - so I'll probably have to tow it into the dealer!! :angry: :angry:

Glad it didn't happen on the road!!

I was very happy with my bike on the trip - not so happy now! :eek: :( :(

Sorry I realized that I posted in the wrong area. - Moderator, please move -Thanks.

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I am not a fan of WD-40 for lubricating anything, but if you have a moisture problem it can perform like magic. The WD stands for water displacer. Just spray it liberally on the ignitiuon wires and plug caps to dry them out. Worth a try.

You cleaned, therefore a lot of toweling etc occurred. Just a thought, but it's happened to me. Did you check to see if you hit the shut off on the bars?


If you're talking about the kill switch, I use it alot and am pretty sure it wasn't engaged.

However, if that is it, I will gladly confess my boneheadedness tonight if that is all it is!!

I thought I would share this cuz it is really bonehead related and is also a no start scenario. After buying my FJR, I hardley ever even take my 2002 Katana out of the garage .... ever. Well, I decided not to neglect her and give a quick ride. Well, she wouldn't start. I pulled the bike all apart trying to figure it out. It seemed electrical to me, not getting spark. I had all the plastic pulled off, tracing down the wiring. I pulled out the service manual, checking the kill switch, the sidestand switch, I was checking everything. Then I saw it in the manual, the clutch switch. DOH!!!!! After using the FJR so much, I forgot, the Suzuki requires you pull in the clutch when starting. I felt like an idiot. Pulled in the clutch and it cranked right up. Being the manly man that I am, I told the wife I fixed it..... "yeah babe, I fixed it, not every woman is as lucky as you are sweetness". :fool:

Here's a stupid problem that happened to me for the first time down at EOM. I reached up and flipped on the key while looking at something else. Hit the starter button and it started grinding and grinding, but no startie. Hmmm... Hit it again. Nothin. Looked up and the key. Turned it off. Didn't have to go very far. Hmmm. Turned it back on and it started right up. Yep, didn't get the key turned all the way on the first time. Just enough to power the starter but not the ignition.

You may not have the stupid key problem like I did, but haven't a couple owners had to change out their key harness for a similar reason?

Similar to what OCK already pointed out, it could be the idiot switch on the kickstand getting grimy, or the neutral thingy?

Let us know what you figger out.

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I had a failure to start on my '83 Maxim a couple of years ago after stopping for fuel. Turned out to be the switch on the side stand was stuck even with the stand up. I disconnected the wires and twisted them together to get it going.

I think for most of these problems the starter will not spin.

I've posted on this problem a couple times in the past on the 'other board'. Myself and a couple others had the 'no start' problem after, you got it, washing! I was able to get it to fire right up only after disconnecting/reconnecting the ECU plug. This happened to me 2 different times after washing. I don't let water pour onto the dash area anymore when washing and the problem never returned. I think that water penetrated somewhere and caused conflicting signals to the ECU.

Still, check your sidestand switch, clutch switch, etc. if ECU trick doesn't work.

Scratch my post, I was thinking about my Honda, which will crank with the kill switch off till the cows come home, but never light off. I can't help but think if all was well, then ya soaked it good, the two have to be related. Put it on a trailer, and drag it to Arizona. Shit always starts there :D Sorry. Check or bypass all the switches, also suspect the ignition switch, these have also been an occasional thorn. If I was there, could be more help. Good luck pal. ;)


after work...checked the kill switch and it was not engaged. Pressed the starter, same sound as before. reminded me of the nazi cars that wouldn't start in Sound of Music because the nuns pulled the distrubuter cap...lots of cranking - no action.

I will get the manual out so I can locate the ecu plug.

Thanks for all your guys replies...I no nutting 'bout electrical but I will try.

Wheaton-call me today to discuss! I'll be available until about 6pm Eastern.

Sounds to me like low fuel pressure or weak spark. Do you run your tank down to near empty often? If so, the pump could be dead (due to lack of fuel cooling it).

My first suggestion will be to pull the right fairing off and check the connections into the coil for rust/water. As suggested, WD-40 is your friend. Next, lift the tank and make sure all the electrical connectors are OK (dry, no rust) going into the tank (fuel pump). Pull them off and check for water. After that, pull a spark plug, put it back in the connector, ground it against the metal bolts on the tbar, and crank to look for a spark. DO NOT CRANK without it grounded.

Sidestand and clutch switch are not the problem. It would not crank at all. Same for ignition switch.


I would generally gas up around 2 bars - 1/4 tank or so. When I was firing it up thursday, eventually I was smelling fuel pretty good. I also had NO prior hints of problems of this sort.

I am doing work at home and will maybe get a chance to do what you have suggested. Thanks for your suggestions and offer to be around for a consult. I may take you up on it, but by no means "wait" around or do anything out of your normal Saturday schedule. I am pretty pressed at the beginning of the design of a 21 story building - so I may or may not be able to get out and see what's up with the bike.

If I can't do any legwork to get it going this weekend, I will simply have the towing service take the bike to the dealer for the 16k servicing. and have them sort out the ignition issue.

The main thing is: I want to get the bike up and going -and find the root cause of this - which I am sure is fairly simple.

But being a newbie with bike systems, and no signif. "roll up the sleeves" background to getting things working again - my progress would be fairly slow, and there's always the chance to "gum up the works".

But one of the great things about this board is the chance for input and help from others, and given the chance with a little knowledge and experience, I would like to be able to solve these things increasingly without the assistance from the dealer.

There are 200 of us that have read this thread and are waiting in anticipation of the resolution....stay tuned!

Had the bike taken to the dealer today. I expect the mechanic to start work tomorrow...I will let you all know what the deal was when I get the bike back.

Thanks for everybody's assistance and offers for help.

I think I need another Tech-Midwest - or FJR maintenance/trouble shooting for dummies class...

Hey Wheaton, sorry about the Feejer. Like others have said it appears to be a moisture problem and the ECU could be a possibility. Oddly, for a ST bike it appears the Feejer is susceptible to water now and then. I hope for a speedy recovery and if possible, head on out with us northern boyz for the fall Slimey Crud Run. :D



Thanks for the well wishes...I will not be making the Crud Run, but maybe we can schedule an end of season/near end of season ride like last year. Last years ride was great and it was nice to meet you all.

I'll be taking my wife on a little run out to Galena (only time she will have been on the bike for an extended period of time - due to kids, responsibility,etc), and I will be heading out to the OHIO FALL RAMBLE being organized by yamaholic/mcarp. Definitely a great run that YOU would like FJRZON. Valetz from MN is making it out there - how 'bout you Wisconsin boyz?

The dealer will find out the source of this problem, however if it is related to moisture - this bike is WAY too sensitive or unprotected from moisture. I haven't had any troubles on the road, and I won't ever be washing my bike on a trip, but this does have me a little nervous to be out and about in an isolated area when it is storming out.

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I doubt that it's solely moisture related-but moisture may well have finished off a marginal component or connection. I'm sure it will turn out to be a more common problem, ign switch or pistons that have de-materialized or something like that.... :eek:
