Did you get a February thank-you letter?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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??? What letter???? I know they have sent them in the past but I haven't heard of any this year. Maybe it is lost in the mail.... :blink:

See, what you have yet to realize is that Yamaha is looking at 3 months later on the deliveries this year because of the second '05 release. You'll be recieving a May letter.

;) :haha: :haha: :haha:

I got my letter!



Oh, yeah, that letter. I got that close to 2 years ago after putting down the deposit on my still new and current '05 ABS.

Never got the hat, though.

Got squat from Mamayama for my 06 order. Helped my Triumph dealer buddy by putting my name on a 675 and Triumph sent me a huge poster, magazine tests, key ring and hat with Triumph Daytona 675 on them plus a couple of thank you letters.

Thank you letter? You all are expecting a thank you letter?

Ha! What a crock!

Hell, you should be sending Yamaha a thank you letter! For them being gracious enough to allow you the honor and priviledge to participate in the highly regarded PDP program and be able to wait for your 06 FJR.

You know its not just anybody thats allowed to join the ranks of us owners. :p


Kids these days.......I am telling you.

Thank you letter? You all are expecting a thank you letter?
Ha! What a crock!

Hell, you should be sending Yamaha a thank you letter! For them being gracious enough to allow you the honor and priviledge to participate in the highly regarded PDP program and be able to wait for your 06 FJR.

You know its not just anybody thats allowed to join the ranks of us owners. :p


Kids these days.......I am telling you.
Give me the world. I deserve it.

Sheesh. Letter. I never got no stinkin letter and I didn't even make the dealership wait to sell me the bike, I bought the one on the floor.

No letter, but as it's now the THIRD day of March...WHEREZ my bike???! Enuff with this stupid waiting already........DFO <_<

No letter, but as it's now the THIRD day of March...WHEREZ my bike???! Enuff with this stupid waiting already........DFO <_<
Pfffft. My bike was promised for a June delivery. It was late August when it arrived. Don't hold your breath.
