Dies on decceleration, starts up and dies when put in gear

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Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Orange County, California
Hi all, I'm new here and I'm sorry if this has already been addressed (I promise I looked). Anyways the title pretty much say it all, about three times now since I've had the bike (4 months now, used). I'll come up to a stop from 5th and when I down shift the engine dies. Then when I coast up to a stop and start it, it starts up just fine, strong idle and all, but then I go to put it in gear and it dies. This happens like 5 times and then it shifts in just fine and runs like nothing happened. I have to suspect its the kickstand switch but can't be positive. Anyone else have this issue, or have any suggstions?

I know you said strong idle but make sure the idle is set to 1000-1100rpm's.

Idle adjustment screw is near the rear of the gas tank behind the right side fairing if you're sitting on the bike.

When I got my 2008 my idle was at about 900rpm's and it would stall periodically.

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I know you said strong idle but make sure the idle is set to 1000-1100rpm's.
Idle adjustment screw is near the rear of the gas tank behind the right side fairing if you're sitting on the bike.

When I got my 2008 my idle was at about 900rpm's and it would stall periodically.

I'd try what SoCal said first I had the same problem with my 08 and increasing the rpm fixed it for me.

Here is my experience, my 09 would sometimes stall when slowing down to a stop and then start right back up, puzzling? then one day on a ride in the mountains gauge panel went blank intermittently tach and speedo needles would sweep, turned out to be loose battery connections check with screw driver seemed good then check with 10mm wrench and took about half turn more the issue has never shown its self again so sometimes its the most simplest things that causes the biggest headaches , or maybe I should just say check battery connections. THE END.

Yep, I agree..... start with the simple electrical...... battery connections, side stand switch, kill switch (contact cleaner), and condition of battery and if charging properly at 2000 rpm (~ more than 13.5V less than 15). Go ride, see if it repeats... if so, may have to dig into the ground spiders and see if any corroded. Keep us posted on progress...

So idle was right at 1000, so I turned it up to 1100 just to be safe. I'll check out some of the other electrical although I still am biased towards the kickstand switch. The whole thing is pretty hard to troubleshoot since its only happened three times now in close to 5000 miles. But I'll keep you guys posted if it reoccurs or if any smoking gun shows up. Thanks for the help!

I'm betting on the idle......
I guess the only reason I'm leary on the idle is why would it start up in neutral just fine afterwards but die instantly when I click it into first?
Mine would stall taking off from a stop (not ALL the time though) and sometimes when I downshifted into first, it's a free fix, see what happens.

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I recently had a sidestand switch failure due to crud in the switch. Check this thread for more info:


Although I cleaned the switch in an ultra-sonic cleaner, I suspect that liberally spraying contact cleaner down the bore of the actuator plunger while exercising the plunger would also clean the crud out. As I noted in the thread, it's also easy to bypass the switch for troubleshooting purposes.

Hey guys, been a while since I've been on here and I wanted to give an update on the issue. Nevertheless its been roughly a month since I turned up the idle and thus far no issues (knock on wood). So it looks like the idle was more than likely the culprit. Thanks guys for the help!

Hey guys, been a while since I've been on here and I wanted to give an update on the issue. Nevertheless its been roughly a month since I turned up the idle and thus far no issues (knock on wood). So it looks like the idle was more than likely the culprit. Thanks guys for the help!
Thanks for reporting back! :)

It's always appreciated when people come back and "close the loop" so we know what happened.
