Difference between Marine officers and NCO's

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Official Dumbass
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Westminster, MA
A young Marine officer was severely wounded in the head by a grenade,

but the only visible permanent injury was to both of his ears, which

were amputated.

Since his hearing wasn't impaired he remained in the Marine Corps. Many

years later he eventually rose to the rank of major general. He was,

however, very sensitive about his appearance.

One day the general was interviewing three Marines, prospects for his

headquarters staff.

The first was an aviator captain, and it was a great interview.

At the end of the interview the general asked him, "Do you notice

anything different about me?"

The young officer answered, "Why, yes, Sir, I couldn't help but notice

that you have no ears."

The general got very angry at his lack of tact and threw him out.

The second interview was with a logistics Lieutenant, and he was even


The general then asked him the same question, "Do you notice anything

different about me?"

He replied sheepishly, "Well, Sir, you have no ears."

The general, now really pissed, threw him out also.

The third interview was with a Marine gunnery sergeant, an infantryman

and Staff NCO.

He was articulate, looked extremely sharp and seemed to know more than

the two officers combined.

The general wanted this guy, and went ahead with the same question, "Do

you notice anything different about me?"

To his surprise the sergeant said, "Yes, Sir, you wear contact lenses."

The general was very impressed and thought, what an incredibly observant

NCO, and he didn't mention my ears.

"And how do you know that I wear contacts?" the General asked.

"Well, Sir," the gunny replied, "it's pretty hard to wear glasses with

no fuckin' ears."

Every one of my FITREPS as a Sgt and SSgt always had something to the affect of

"Always tells things like it is"


"Sgt Nick is quick to the point"

Leave the sugar coating crap for the Air Force.

Every one of my FITREPS as a Sgt and SSgt always had something to the affect of
"Always tells things like it is"


"Sgt Nick is quick to the point"

Leave the sugar coating crap for the Air Force.
Hey now... just because us AF guys are cunning linguists and know how to write with eloquence (and at more than a third grade education level) don't call us out for sugar coating.


Every one of my FITREPS as a Sgt and SSgt always had something to the affect of
"Always tells things like it is"


"Sgt Nick is quick to the point"

Leave the sugar coating crap for the Air Force.
Yep, you also leave the reading to us. We need to stick around to translate the OIs and OP ORDs from the written word to cartoon to assist and give the Gunnys something to repeat to you seven times. :yahoo:

I have been joint service for 16 of my 22 years and have enjoyed working w/ every service. Especially the Marine Security Guards in Kampala, Uganda.

Every one of my FITREPS as a Sgt and SSgt always had something to the affect of
"Always tells things like it is"


"Sgt Nick is quick to the point"

Leave the sugar coating crap for the Air Force.
Hey now... just because us AF guys are cunning linguists and know how to write with eloquence (and at more than a third grade education level) don't call us out for sugar coating.

I've worked at a joint command since 2001. 2001 - 2005 active duty Marine and now as a contractor and I am surrounded by all the services but work mostly with Air Force people and I can tell you from first hand experience there are plenty of 3rd grade reading level morons in all the branches!!

And the most easily offended folks are the ones with the upside down chevrons on their sleeves!!


At least the Navy has come out with a dumber looking camo than the AF came up with so you don't have to worry about that distinction anymore!!

Semper FI!

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