Do I look like a Cop ?

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My car has the visual profile of a police car, it hunkers low, looks aggressive and my driving style is usually like a wolf in a sheep herd. On the one hand my car parts traffic like Moses can part a sea, on the other hand it makes dawdlers out of speeders and since they are below the speed limit they will not relinquish their place in the fast lane. If I’m traveling in a pack of cars and make a sudden squirt out into the fast lane, most of the traffic will immediately flash brake lights and move right.

On my FJR – never.

Mercury Grand Marquis. Gets ignored most of the time, but put the GPS on the dash, and the seas part. Way cool.

Never noticed it on the bike, though. Must be the silver jacket that says [SIZE=18pt]CORTECH[/SIZE] across the front.

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After seeing my FJR, my buddy in Dallas has been spotting them now everywhere. Last week he told me a cop (A real one) passed him on an FJR going about 120 mph. Suddenly, cops know a good thing when they see one I reckon.

When I stop at gas stations I get asked about accidents and fires. Try riding in a hi-vis 'stich. It gets weird looks and conversations.

I bought my Olympia Airglide II hi-viz mesh jacket from a Texas dealer who said that cops were wearing the color down there. If you were wearing one them, it would complete the ruse.

I like being seen. A lot. Drivers tend to whack you less when they see you. Here in MA, I was averaging one apparent "cloak of invisibility" (where some dumbass driver didn't see me or care to look) every 2 rides or so. That has greatly improved now to nearly nill.

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on my way home from NAFO i stopped at a rest area. there was a guy on a harley that i had been seeing for a while. he asked me if i was a cop then he proceeded to fix himself a gin and soda when he found out i wasn't.

damn i knew i should have become a LEO :p

on my way home from NAFO i stopped at a rest area. there was a guy on a harley that i had been seeing for a while. he asked me if i was a cop then he proceeded to fix himself a gin and soda when he found out i wasn't.

damn i knew i should have become a LEO :p
Thats funny!

Got an 08 FJR.... BLACK..... was wearing my normal everyday work cloths.....BLACK. Last night my shirt happened to have a large white round logo on the back of it... And I have my full face helmet that is BLACK with white type logo on it.... I also have the gentleman's black 3M bag reflective tape on the bags.... A friend of mine has also brought me some SUPER 3M white reflective tape that I have tastefully added two "patches" near the license plate...... This kinda sets up what happened last night..

Got on to the Highway here in Dallas / Ft Worth... it was totally dark out side. Pulled onto the high way at a good clip, 75mph or so and there was intermediate traffic out... As soon as I rolled past the nearest cars there was a makebelieve line that was drawn behind me and ALL the traffic slowed down... This all happened in less than 45-60 seconds... It was VERY noticeable. I started chuckling under the helmet as I kept looking back in my review mirrors. The "line" of cars where probably at least 100 yards behind me. There was a huge chunk or gap behind me to the nearest vehicles... Just so I can paint a picture with words.. there was a good amount of traffic in front of me and off to my forward sides... I thought it was interesting and kinda funny at the same time....

As I continued on I had to head North.. This Highway had less traffic on it but I wanted to see if it was my imagination of what I just witnessed or " do I look like a cop " ? This high way was two lane in each direction. The fast lane was empty and there where about six or so cars in the right hand lane in the distance of approximitely a mile. Everyone was going about five miles per hour faster than the speed limit. I didn't want to blow by anyone but each car I came upon in the fast lane I rode very consistently and slowly along side and made sure that I passed them very slowly. As I did with each car, just as I passed them each car slowed down by probably 10 mph or more, IMIDIATLY....

That's what prompted this post............ does or has any one have this happen to them........ I guess to some, I look like a Cop at night.... Kinda funny I guess they can see me.....

I was riding my black 08 FJR behind my friend on his Huyabusa. He said if he didn't know better, he would've thought I was a cop. B)

Got an 08 FJR.... BLACK..... was wearing my normal everyday work cloths.....BLACK. Last night my shirt happened to have a large white round logo on the back of it... And I have my full face helmet that is BLACK with white type logo on it.... I also have the gentleman's black 3M bag reflective tape on the bags.... A friend of mine has also brought me some SUPER 3M white reflective tape that I have tastefully added two "patches" near the license plate...... This kinda sets up what happened last night..

Got on to the Highway here in Dallas / Ft Worth... it was totally dark out side. Pulled onto the high way at a good clip, 75mph or so and there was intermediate traffic out... As soon as I rolled past the nearest cars there was a makebelieve line that was drawn behind me and ALL the traffic slowed down... This all happened in less than 45-60 seconds... It was VERY noticeable. I started chuckling under the helmet as I kept looking back in my review mirrors. The "line" of cars where probably at least 100 yards behind me. There was a huge chunk or gap behind me to the nearest vehicles... Just so I can paint a picture with words.. there was a good amount of traffic in front of me and off to my forward sides... I thought it was interesting and kinda funny at the same time....

As I continued on I had to head North.. This Highway had less traffic on it but I wanted to see if it was my imagination of what I just witnessed or " do I look like a cop " ? This high way was two lane in each direction. The fast lane was empty and there where about six or so cars in the right hand lane in the distance of approximitely a mile. Everyone was going about five miles per hour faster than the speed limit. I didn't want to blow by anyone but each car I came upon in the fast lane I rode very consistently and slowly along side and made sure that I passed them very slowly. As I did with each car, just as I passed them each car slowed down by probably 10 mph or more, IMIDIATLY....

That's what prompted this post............ does or has any one have this happen to them........ I guess to some, I look like a Cop at night.... Kinda funny I guess they can see me.....

I was riding my black 08 FJR behind my friend on his Huyabusa. He said if he didn't know better, he would've thought I was a cop. B)

That's what im talking about..... Now I have to head off to Toys-R-Us so I can get some "colored" flashing lights.... these are my new 'driving' lights... Mr. Officer ! LOL

Happens frequently for me, day or night on the feejer. Have a black Cortech jacket and an 06AE. Silver helmet with graphics even. Half the time it is great, as everyone just gets over on the freeway, the other half the time it sucks, 'cuz you get that asshat that goes 54 in the flippin fast lane. I think it may have more to do with the upright riding position and the aggressive headlights.

Try pulling up behind a cage dogging it in the passing lane and flip the headlight modulator on.. Watch out for their reflex foot on break and then look for a way to pull over.

Had several comments about it from cage drivers (I had passed) while fueling up the bike..

Good for a smile once and a wile.

there was a guy on a harley that i had been seeing for a while. he asked me if i was a cop then he proceeded to fix himself a gin and soda when he found out i wasn't.

damn i knew i should have become a LEO :p
Congrats, how long have you two been together? This forum is such a diverse group! Who knew? :rolleyes:

there was a guy on a harley that i had been seeing for a while. he asked me if i was a cop then he proceeded to fix himself a gin and soda when he found out i wasn't.

damn i knew i should have become a LEO :p
Congrats, how long have you two been together? This forum is such a diverse group! Who knew? :rolleyes:

oh about 3 hours or so but i had to drop him

he wouldn't wear protection :p
