Do I need an Alarm System?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho
I'm literally gearing up for a cross country trip later this summer. I currently have no locks or alarms of any kind on the FJR. I was planning to stay at hotels every night and keep the GPS and radar with me. Do I need security gear?

I assume that if someone really wants the bike they'll just backup a truck and put it in. If so, time for an insurance claim and a ticket home (or to the nearest dealer for a new bike).

If security gear does make a difference, what should I get? This bike will be competing in the most farkled FJR contest.

If you want to fit an alarm I can recommend the Talon.

I posted a write up on the site for it.


If your coming within 100 miles of Gary or Chicago you'd be wise to put one on. Don't waste your time with a 'cheapo'. Get one that will notify you if your bike's being tampered with. The peace of mind is worth it. I bought the Scorpio 500i directly from the factory last year with all of the options and have been very pleased. It's a little complicate but no more than a TV remote. The 'cool' factor is pretty impressive too. :clapping:

Just get a cheap motel where you can bring the scoot inside. Then you can clean it while you polish off a fifth of jim beam.

Well, I'm leaning toward multiple protections... probably a disk lock plus a Scorpio 500i.

I can't recall where, but I recall reading a thread about alternate wiring for the Scorpio's ignition kill circuit...connecting it to the fuel pump rather than power for safety reasons.

Where's this great thread???

Other security product suggestions?

Well, I'm leaning toward multiple protections... probably a disk lock plus a Scorpio 500i.
I can't recall where, but I recall reading a thread about alternate wiring for the Scorpio's ignition kill circuit...connecting it to the fuel pump rather than power for safety reasons.

Where's this great thread???

Other security product suggestions?
I spoke to Scorpio direct about the ignition kill on the GSXR because I wanted to confirm wire colors and such.

Anyway the tech told me he didn't recommend the ignition circuit.

Why I asked if that is what the book says to use???

He said the ignition circuit is a high voltage circuit and as you get higher in the rpm range the more voltage the circuit draws. This has been known to send false signals to the ignition kill module.

Instead he recommended the fuel pump circuit as it is a low voltage circuit.

I however elected to not install it all together. My concern was not someone stealing it with me on it really.

Is an alarm really a better deterrent than a disk lock or big chain?
A normal alarm that just makes noise, I would have to say probably not unless you were lucky enough to hear it inside a building.

A disk lock is a joke because these thieves are just going to either pick the bike up or drag it and the disk lock isn't going to prevent that and neither is a chain really.

The nice thing about the scorpion 500 is the paging feature.

If the bike is uprighted or the motion sensor goes off it will page you.

I park my in an garage at work in Silver Spring with the alarm set for silent but it will page me. This way no one will know it has been set off. Plus the perimeter sensor will reset it self if someone moves up on it slow enough when they hear it chirp.

I also use a Onguard 7ft cable and lock it to a electrical conduit so that this will detain them long enough to set off the alarm and I can get down and call the police.

Very easy hook up too.

Just get a cheap motel where you can bring the scoot inside. Then you can clean it while you polish off a fifth of jim beam.

Do you ever do anything where your no finishing off a fifth of jim beam? :blink:

Odot, I'm sorry, but Jim Beam just doesn't cut it.

You need Jack Daniels' for this. Word.

Just ordered a Scorpio. It comes with everything but the bourbon.

So which wires do I hookup the ignition kill to?

Just ordered a Scorpio. It comes with everything but the bourbon.
So which wires do I hookup the ignition kill to?
If you read my comments I would suggest the fuel pump wires.

Find the fuse and the fuel pump should be labeled.

It is wired in series and comes with butt connectors. Make sure they are tight. Last thing you want is them coming loose and the engine dying.

Everything else is really easy, if you got the fjr specific harness probably even easier.

I didn't get it for the gsxr but only had to tap into the 2 turn signal and power when on running like. Power to battery, which is in under the seat on the gsxr and ground.

The perimeter sensor has a harness that connects to the main module and is adjustable, no wiring.

Really very easy.

PS: The manual for the ignition kill won't list the fuel pump.

If you call them they can tell you the exact wire colors you need to cut for the fuel pump.

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cool, thanks!!

Oh and buy the way. Bought the alarm from our friends at University Motors. A good deal!

All an Alarm will do is let the by standers know theres a show so they can sell tickets to watch! and the half that don't watch, just run away (don't want to get involved)

To many friends have had alarms that do nothing! cept make noise!

All an Alarm will do is let the by standers know theres a show so they can sell tickets to watch! and the half that don't watch, just run away (don't want to get involved)To many friends have had alarms that do nothing! cept make noise!
Also bought a chain.

My backround is in vehicle theft investigation and prevention. Always use the "layers of protection approach". The harder and more time consuming to the thief the better the chance that he/they will move to some other bike, car etc... The best advice was already stated, take the bike into the room or other secure area. I would explore shooting the night clerk a few $$ to let you park it outside the lobby entrance and hopefully be able to secure the chain to something directly outside the door. When I travelled years ago w/ a project truck for a magazine w/ lots of bling, that's what I did, left it right by the front door, but also engaged the anti theft systems.

As far as the layered approach on the bike, excellent alarm system, chain w/ lock and disc lock. thats about the best your reasonably going to be able to do.

Exercise caution w/ the paging type alarm,as violent carjackings are on the upswing in a number of cities, i.e. the FJR ain't worth dying for. When you get the alert that the alarm is engaged, leave yourself an avenue of escape when the possible confrontation occurs.

Smith and Wesson are pretty good at deterring folks also. And, if you've polished off a bottle of cheap whiskey...the moral implications are easier to overcome during a confrontation.

I Agree with Odot, Shot first ask questions later! by all means use a chain, that way you have more time to get off a shot!


That's what they make saddlebags for....or, for quicker it in the tank bag.
