Do you always wear a helmet?

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Yes. I always wear a full-face helmet when I ride any motorcycle. Always.

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Full coverage Shoei at all times. Virgina requires helmets -- but would wear it 100% of time regardless. Ocassionally put it on after a few too many cocktails on the back porch as well.... :D Jay

Do you always wear a helmet?
Always, even if I'm just going to the end of the street and back to test something (and this is a cul-de-sac without traffic, that is, without traffic other than the residents since this is a closed condo). It'd be against the law to ride on public road without one, too.

When I was a kid, probably 6 or 7, I saw this bloke lying on the street with half of his face sticking to the previous metres of asphalt. It was a low speed fall and he would have probably been OK if he was wearing a helmet. When I started riding those images came back to me, and since then I /always/ ride with a full face helmet, gloves and jacket, at least.

You know what they say, I'd rather sweat than bleed.

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I know it's stupid, but a couple times a year I bust out my old skid lid.

But only when I is drin'kin my MAD DOG :skull:


Like many other things

I don't understand others not wearing one, BUT

Far be it from me to tell someone else how to

run ( or ruin ) their life.

When I bought my first bike years ago there was a sign on

the wall of the dealer that said

"If you have a ten dollar head wear a 10 dollar helmet"

I've never forgot that

Sometimes wear one, sometimes not. I'll wear the helmet on a longer trip just because I get sick of wind blast and bugs hitting my head. But I usually don't bother if it's just a quick trip to the post office or something like that. No surprise that most posters here are lid fans - bet you wouldn't see that on a Harley forum. :D

There's some odd connection between bike/riding style and helmet use. I've found most sport touring oriented folks to be quite fanatical about their gear, to the point that they're quite willing to belittle those who don't share their opinion. Of course the cruiser crowd seems to be directly opposite, shunning protective gear with a vengeance, and they too scoff at those who don't agree with them. Then you have the youthful sportbike riders, who tend to account for the vast majority of accidents resulting in injury or death, regardless of their gear (just ask any insurance adjuster).

Personally I find the whole debate rather pointless, hence my tendency to ride alone. That way I can ride in peace, with or without lid, while not having to endure the rantings of any particular sect.
