Do You Like Pink Floyd

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Timberlake, NC
If you like Pink Floyd and have a chance to see The Machine I highly recommend it. I recently saw this band and I was amazed at how well the reproduced songs and sound of Pink Floyd.

The Machine

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"The Wall" is one of the best albums ever. I'm amazed at Pink Floyd's genius every time I listen. I have the LP as well as the CD. I think the recording quality of the CD could be better and the LP had too many nicks and pops even when new. :unsure:

Thanks for the info. :D

Not too concerned with a copy band but diddos to their sound. I saw "Dark Side Of The Moon" concert at the SF Cow Palace, "Animals" concert at the Oakland Arena also featuring Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and "The Wall" concert at the same place at a later date. There will never be a repeat of the sound and visual experience of those shows with the 3 hour "The Dark Side Of The Moon" concert being the most unforgetable...PM. :D

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Not too concerned with a copy band but diddos to their sound. I saw "Dark Side Of The Moon" concert at the SF Cow Palace, "Animals" concert at the Oakland Arena also featuring Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and "The Wall" concert at the same place at a later date. There will never be a repeat of the sound and visual experience of those shows with the 3 hour "The Dark Side Of The Moon" concert being the most unforgetable...PM. :D
You can actually *remember* the concert? With all that 'second hand smoke' wafting about? :eek:
Not too concerned with a copy band but diddos to their sound. I saw "Dark Side Of The Moon" concert at the SF Cow Palace, "Animals" concert at the Oakland Arena also featuring Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and "The Wall" concert at the same place at a later date. There will never be a repeat of the sound and visual experience of those shows with the 3 hour "The Dark Side Of The Moon" concert being the most unforgetable...PM. :D
You can actually *remember* the concert? With all that 'second hand smoke' wafting about? :eek:
dcarver, yes I did think that might raise that question when I was typing it. And yes, believe it or not I can remember. Believe you me there was much more than second hand smoke going on there. I was sucked up(pun intended), into the drug culture lie. My local hangout in those days was Winter Land in SF and many nights were lost in the ragged sponge like memory banks. Guess I tried everything I could get my hands on and I did survive but am still paying the price to a degree. But thanks to the Man up stairs, those days are long gone. And I didn't even have to go to prison. lol. PM. <><

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thanks for the tip...hadnt heard of these guys... DEFINITELY will go see em... PF, got all the albums... gonna go listen to some again


DT - Must be a connection with your user name :lol: ...back in the day where one brain cell was waving bye-bye to the other. :(

Wasn't a huge Pink Floyd fan but would check out The Machine if they ended up in the area. Looked at the schedule and nothing close.

I've owned several copies of The Wall. First was in mono, then stereo, then hi-fi then on DVD. Great flick. B) Pink Floyd rocks.