Does anyone have the "juicebox" on their bike

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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
Reaction score
Hungerford, Texas
I've been looking at the 2Bros Juicebox fuel controller and wanted to know if any of you GenII guys have it on your bike. What was the install like, does it work as advertised and is it worth the Coin of the Realm. You know the usual puff and stuff, any info would be appreciated.

I didn't know what it was, so I Googled it. Don't see an FJR application. R1, FZ1, R6, etc., no FJR.

Last edited by a moderator:, customdynamics and Two Bros have them listed for the Feejer. it seems obvious that no one has this item installed on their bike. Oh well....from my understanding its by the the same guy that built the dynojet kit and dyno before selling out and signing a no competitive contract, Dobreck performance is the main name now.

Oh, I know what this is. I didn't know it by the "juicebax" name.

The dials simulate carb adjustments for mixture, jets, and accelerator pump. That's all it does. It doesn't map the adjustment by throttle or engine speed like the Power Commander III, nor does it seek a specified fuel/air ratio like the newer Power Commanders or the Motty tuner that UselessPickles has.

True dat but that's not what I asked. The Box is one type of tuner and the Commander is another, both have plus and minuses, I just wanted to know if anyone had installed a Box and what they thought of it. if you want comparisons here. At a cost of $229, plug and go and doesn't require a laptop, and a Commander costing more, I just wanted to see if someone had one and are they happy with it.

True dat but that's not what I asked. The Box is one type of tuner and the Commander is another, both have plus and minuses, I just wanted to know if anyone had installed a Box and what they thought of it. if you want comparisons here. At a cost of $229, plug and go and doesn't require a laptop, and a Commander costing more, I just wanted to see if someone had one and are they happy with it.
I have a Dobeck Techlusion on my '08 (also had one on my '05), it is essentially the same as a juice box. I wouldn't run the bike without one. In fact, I have a "tap on" type that I had on my '05 if anyone wants it. A call to Dobek would tell whether it would hook up the same way on Gen IIs (I labeled the wire colors when I took it off, so it would be simple to install).

I put the plug & play type on my '08. I wanted the Dobeck instead of a PC because I only want to adjust my fuel-I use NOS at times, so I don't want more O2, just fuel. My opinion is if you don't want to manually fiddle with a PC, you are limited to the programs that are already developed. I constantly fiddle and change from headers to stock, back again, etc. so I want something I can adjust without messing things up. The Dobeck-or juice box-is simple to adjust and very effective.

If anyone is interested in my '05 Techlusion, PM me-

PS-I just checked the Dobeck site and the tap on I had on my '05 will go on an '08 (2003-2008). It's just sitting in a cabinet!!!

>Actually, if anyone wanted to increase the air/fuel ratio to a certain point from stock, just mod the airbox as I did.

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True dat but that's not what I asked. The Box is one type of tuner and the Commander is another, both have plus and minuses, I just wanted to know if anyone had installed a Box and what they thought of it. if you want comparisons here. At a cost of $229, plug and go and doesn't require a laptop, and a Commander costing more, I just wanted to see if someone had one and are they happy with it.
I have a Dobeck Techlusion on my '08 (also had one on my '05), it is essentially the same as a juice box. I wouldn't run the bike without one. In fact, I have a "tap on" type that I had on my '05 if anyone wants it. A call to Dobek would tell whether it would hook up the same way on Gen IIs (I labeled the wire colors when I took it off, so it would be simple to install).

I put the plug & play type on my '08. I wanted the Dobeck instead of a PC because I only want to adjust my fuel-I use NOS at times, so I don't want more O2, just fuel. My opinion is if you don't want to manually fiddle with a PC, you are limited to the programs that are already developed. I constantly fiddle and change from headers to stock, back again, etc. so I want something I can adjust without messing things up. The Dobeck-or juice box-is simple to adjust and very effective.

If anyone is interested in my '05 Techlusion, PM me-

Do you have pictures of your NOS set up? It would be nice to see where you mounted the bottle. How does she handle? How much extra horse power? Inquiring gear heads want to know!
