Does the FJR encourage faster riding?

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Oriskany, NY
I have been corresponding with a gentleman who is trying to decide whether to buy my FJR, or possibly a Bimmer. He currently rides an '03 Concours. In the course of conversation I voiced the opinion that if he likes and is comfortable with the pace he currently keeps on the Concours, he may be better off with the Bimmer. I base this on my own experiences, which consist of finding it hard not to use the power that more powerful bikes provide. For example, while riding Bimmer Rs I would never consider passing in places I do now due to the FJRs capabilities. I know that I often find myself cruising over 80 and (gracious me!) into triple digit-lose license territory. Now ,before the Control Police descend upon me and berate me for my evil, lack of self control, dangerous, antisocial behavior, I am acutely aware that everyone has the capacity to exercise self control and temper the temptation to twist the right wrist into go-to-jail territory. I'm just wondering if others feel that the Feej has them running a bit faster than on previous bikes, or riding a bit more aggressively to take advantage of its capabilities?

If coming off owning a crotch rocket, like I did, I'd say it leads me to riding more relaxed and not worrying about corners too much. I know it can handle them plenty good. Since getting the FJR, I just love to take a pleasure ride on country roads at 45 to 55mph and just see nice looking properties or nature.

Now that said I would assume if I came of riding a Goldwing I'd leaner her over all the time. Kinda like going from a fat girl to a hot model! :lol:

Yes. Most definitely. I had a VStar 1100 prior to the FJR and rarely went over the speed limit. Gotta be real careful with the FJR. It's much more tempting to go fast than any of the other bikes that I ride.

For example, on the way to work I have to cross six lanes of busy traffic to get to the HOV lane. That's better done quicker than slower. Once into the HOV lane, I was ready to roll on some throttle and really get going. Changed my mind when I looked down, and saw that I was already traveling in excess of 100mph. The bike is so smooth, that speed is deceiving and must be very carefully watched.


I agree with Nolan. I also came off of a sport bike and so I tend to use the additional torque for roll on fun but overall ride at a more relaxed pace than my previous bike. On the other hand this bike can run with any sport bike as long as the squid isn't suicidal so the potential for hooliganism is there, or so I have heard somewhere...

Nope. I ride the same speed. the difference is my roll on acceleration to pass is much quicker and faster speeds. I bring it back down after passing, it's a great rocket ship for passing. ;)

you dont fly an F15 like its a biplane or visa versa!

That said, I take corners faster on the FJR than I would on a cruser but not as fast as I do on true sportbikes. Nevertheless, I tend to do about 65 on the straights on contry roads and the speedlimit on the freeway (maybe up to 10 over). Only rarely do I "engage the warp drive" probably no more or less on any bike, just different top speeds.

This bike is very smooth..... like Jill said,.. getting on the freeway, ya roll on the juice, move over, pop it in to another gear and then

I look down at the gauges... I'm in fourth... past 100mph.... pop it in to 5th and let off the throttle........... bring it back down to

keep my license speed........ :eek: B) :D .. it rides at 80mph at 3500rpms... like it was born to be there!!

Never did over 70 on my Royal Star, but the temptation to cruise at 80+ is way too great with the FJR. Have used the power two or three times to get out of sticky situations too. :bye:

I've only ridden an fjr briefly, but like my vfr, if I had been riding it for awhile and my back was killing me from the leaned over riding position, I'd ride pretty aggressively to get home and get off the bike. Too aggressively to be honest.

There's a trade off between sport and touring, and as we get older no doubt the sport is a bit harder to accomplish, especially for long distances.

So ya take rests in between on the long rides. I'd still prefer a bike with more sport for sure, like the fjr.

I have been corresponding with a gentleman who is trying to decide whether to buy my FJR, or possibly a Bimmer. He currently rides an '03 Concours. In the course of conversation I voiced the opinion that if he likes and is comfortable with the pace he currently keeps on the Concours, he may be better off with the Bimmer. I base this on my own experiences, which consist of finding it hard not to use the power that more powerful bikes provide. For example, while riding Bimmer Rs I would never consider passing in places I do now due to the FJRs capabilities. I know that I often find myself cruising over 80 and (gracious me!) into triple digit-lose license territory. Now ,before the Control Police descend upon me and berate me for my evil, lack of self control, dangerous, antisocial behavior, I am acutely aware that everyone has the capacity to exercise self control and temper the temptation to twist the right wrist into go-to-jail territory. I'm just wondering if others feel that the Feej has them running a bit faster than on previous bikes, or riding a bit more aggressively to take advantage of its capabilities?
Sorry, but I think you are talking about a "Beemer".... a "Bimmer" has 4 wheels. :glare:


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The FJR does have pretty good troll-on acceleration. I'll tell ya though, all that speed can really take a troll on your tires (and your driving record).

Nope. I ride the same speed. the difference is my roll on acceleration to pass is much quicker and faster speeds. I bring it back down after passing, it's a great rocket ship for passing. ;)

I used to ride Beemers (K75S and R1100RT). I still travel at roughly the same highway speeds, 75-80 MPH, but the passing thing on two lane roads is now a comletely different activity. Instant warp speed. The RT was exceptional in the corners, much lighter than the FJR so somewhat easier to flick around but I've learned how now on the FJR (track days) so about the same.

Just be sure to tell the guy the bike is a lot heavier that most other bikes but that can be "compensated for" with massive power
