Does your FJR have a nickname?

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GBU-43/B "Mother Of All Bombs"

MOAB - Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb

The GBU-43/B is large, powerful and accurately delivered. The 21,700-pound bomb contains 18,700 pounds of high explosive. It is 30 feet long with a diameter of 40.5 inches.




My wife was raised by the head of driver training for L.A. city schools.  He had a slightly negative view of motorcycling.  I bought the FJR about a year after he died.
First she called it the murdercycle.  The she switched to donorcycle.

THEN she had her regular appointment with her mental health care specialist (who secretly rides).  She told him about how disappointed she was that I didn't discuss the FJR purchase with her.  He pointed out that 48 year old men typically have extramarital affairs instead of riding motorcycles and she should be happy about my new found passion - the FJR.  I love this guy's attitude ;)

Now she just calls it either the vroom-vroom or the seperator (as I'm always gone off riding somewhere and cannot be nagged at via cell phone) :D

Anyone else's SO have a special name for their FJR?
When I bought the FJR's garage mate, the 2002 Liquid Silver FZ1, my wife saved us a FORTUNE on therapy and counseling. She cut to the chase immediately saying: "Better a platinum blonde motorcycle than a platinum blonde!" She followed that up with "Happy Birthday!"

Well with the $$$ I've spent on Farkles I'm thinking about calling her "The Money Pit"!  
I here ya, bro! I don't even spend this much coin on the ole lady!
I do...But that's OK-- :wub: (besides, she's good--she won't spend what she hasn't earned or what we don't have). It's not how much you spend--it's how much you spend of what you have.

I call the FJR1300 "The FJR" or "Feejer". I call the FZ1 "The FZ1".

I've NEVER understood naming inanimate objects other than boats ("Enterprise", "Missouri", "Queen Mary") and occasionally fancy houses ("Tara", "Manderlay"). I knew someone who named her computer "Bert" :blink:

You gonna name the coffee pot "Bubbles"? How about the toilet? "Double Flush"? (yuck) :dribble: You gonna call a sewing machine "Stitch"? Soon the place is gonna be like Pee-Wee Herman's playhouse!

The only time I name an inanimate object it's ALWAYS bad! Like "That Piece of S--- Chevy!" (for my long-gone '81 Citation). Or "That F---in' Maxim!" (the '81 650 Maxim that broke exhaust studs regularly, needed a new first gear, new cam chain, etc.)

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The Hellhound... cause every time I ride it I battle evil !!

The sane side is always calling " faster.. Faster ... FASTER... " but the evil force tells me to slow down !! :D

:alien: The Harley and bike riders at work when they first saw it they called it a 'Battlestar Galactica' and I thought it was a good nik name. No one will ride with me ?

They are a bunch of Pussys. :bleh:

Thanks Dan.

I call mine 'the therapist' in,'I need to go see the therapist' or 'Honey, you said I needed a therapist' .............................. :dribble:

Thought you might like that! I have no name except "the FJR". Had a 67 Ford Galaxie convertible in Freeport for years and it went to rack and ruin there. Bought it to the States and refurbished her.

She was called the Bahama Mama which was accurate under the circumstances.

My license plate says "VOLKNO" - Volcano for those of you who don't read plates well.

Tons of power, which can erupt when the light turns green!

Bring on the sexual innuendo jokes, I'm ready!
