Does your other 1/2 ride?

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How much does she ride?

  • 90-100% She loves to ride as much as I do!

    Votes: 17 37.0%
  • 75% She mostly enjoys it.

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • 50% Not her first choice but she rides when I ask her to.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25% She goes occasionaly just to appease me.

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • 10% She rides once or twice a year for a short distance.

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • 0% No way in hell she's ever getting on a bike!

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • What's a wife or girlfriend? lol

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters


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Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Terra Firma
Long story short I was married for 15yrs and got divorced 3yrs ago. The ex rode maybe twice on my bike. It wasn't her thing...which was just one of many things that we we're different on.

Met this other woman, dated for 1-1/2yrs, never thought I'd ever want to get married again....well I married her a little over a year ago. :clapping: Oh btw she's been riding her own motorcycle for 7yrs, she loves to ride, she loves to watch football, drink a beer, and she's a terrific mother and great wife. I guess I got lucky and figured it out on the second go round.

She got rid of her Harley and she actually prefers to ride 2up with me now on the FJR. She can just look around and take in the sights while I navigate. She rides with me 90% of the time and every now and again our schedules don't jive and I'll go get a nice solo ride in myself to break it up. It works for us....but I realize we're probably not the norm. IMO most women are either afraid of motorcycles or they rarely find it as fun as the boyfriend or husband.

But there are some real women biker/motorcyclist out there that will surprise you. If your dating one or you married one it's a pretty cool thing.

So how is it with your other 1/2? (Post a couple pics of you guys on a ride trip)

These are just a few of us as a sampling of the many recent bike trips we've enjoyed together.




I voted 90-100% as there was no option for 200%. My wife puts on at least twice as many miles as I do. It helps that her commute is a 70 mile round trip and my commute is 0 miles.

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My wife of 25 years loves to ride, but her own bike, not on the back of mine. Here is her street triple with my Feej just out of the picture.


My bride has a 2009 GSX 650 F and we did a east coast trip last summer and she had a blast. We try to ride as much as we can together. Its nice to have someone who like to do things you like.

Cant wait for this years trip some where. :yahoo:


My wife put lots of miles on her ZR7S Kawi but she and the bike got totaled by a truck. After a couple years off she got the urge to ride again but her leg won't bend well enough to ride a standard so she ended up with a Sportster with foward controls. I never thought there would be a Harley in the house but with getting rid of the loud pipes and a good seat it's a nice ride as long as you don't need much power. :)

There are quite a few couples that ride here in the NE and Canada. I think part of the reason we haven't heard from them is because their husbands love to ride almost as much as they do. For many wives it is their primary transportation and source of fun. Then there are also a few that ask, what's a boyfriend or husband? :)

... never thought I'd ever want to get married again....well I married her a little over a year ago. :clapping: Oh btw she's been riding her own motorcycle for 7yrs, she loves to ride, she loves to watch football, drink a beer, and she's a terrific mother and great wife. I guess I got lucky and figured it out on the second go round.
Congratulations.... you are a fortunate man with a Team Player!

Yep, my wife of 20 years rarely will ride with me on the FJR, she prefers to ride her own! Here's a picture of her at Capital Reef NP, see if you can pick her out among the majestic red cliffs:


Maybe you can see her in this shot at Bryce Canyon NP??


If anybody has a hard time seeing her, let me know and I'll try some other photos, and that's not her middle finger pointing at me either!


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Well after we got divorced my ex got a bike and started to ride.

This wife used to ride with me every once in a while but last year she got the urge to ride on her own. Now she loves to ride.

My wife rides her own bike. She is a terrible pillion, and I am even worse as a pillion. She used to ride on weekends with me but over the years rides less and less to the point that she hasn't ridden in a couple of years but won't let me sell her bike because she is going to use it, one of these days.

Very little. She doesn't see much sense to it when she can ride in a quiet, comfortable car. She flew to Anchorage back in the 90's and rode around AK with me a few days, doing ok. Her dad was a motorcycle cop near Green Bay starting after WWII and rode year round!!!! For a long time, her family only had one car and a used Harley from the police dept, which got her to school a lot of the time on his way to work.

My wife loves to ride with me. Will never get a bike of her own, as she does ride the only issue is that what she ride has a brain of its own, and it is about the size of a pea. So when she comes home all bruised and beaten and then asks don't you want to learn to ride a horse I just laugh at her. But it keeps us together. :yahoo:

I asked Grace to rate herself; she ranked at 90-100. That said, she doesn't like cold or wet. Has no interest in driving.

I don't have a better half but I do have two daughters. Kathleen, the one on the left, just loves her 1973 Honda CB 350 Four. I've ridden with her several times. And every time I do, I'm reminded of how popular that little bike--with it's beautiful rider--is. For example: Daytona Biketoberfest October 2010. Everywhere we went, people craned their necks, pointed their cameras and stopped in their tracks when they saw her on that little Honda. People would roll their windows down at stop lights to ask her about it. She has to hide her helmet at restaurants to keep from being approached over and over again by people wondering who owns that bike out front. Riding with her is quite the experience.


darksider #44


I call my wife the 5 degree rider. There is a 5 degree window between too hot and too cold for her to go. When she goes she loves it and has for 25 years. Took a riding course 2 years ago and now has a better appreciation for what is going on up front which is great. Says she is going to get her own bike when she turns 50. We will see, a few years to go yet.

My wife Bethann does not care to ride, she might go for a short ride once and a blue moon.

I don't care to go shopping either, only if it is short and no more than once or twice a year.
