Don't do this!

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Tasers would have possibly worked, but actually having some training in how to restrain/control people would have been more beneficial IMO.
What? You need training to knock the shit out of somebody?

Tasers would have possibly worked, but actually having some training in how to restrain/control people would have been more beneficial IMO.
You can say that again. Those British police were stupid as Hell. You can see the first woman one looking at the truck coming before she walks out in front of it. I am betting they were both trying to commit suicide. Part of the problem is that they had ONE officer dealing with both women while the other 4 were standing around with their thumbs in their asses.

Damn. They must've traded their FJR-A's for AE's, and are exhibiting extreme buyers remorse.

:angrysmiley: :****: Just like those women you must be suffering from peni AE envy.

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I call bullshit!!!

Those had to be redheads that got hold of some peroxide.

Only redheads are that crazy.
