Driver Backrest

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Hey Schupp;

I had one on my 05, but removed it. I can never seem to lean back far enough when I ride to actually make use of a backrest. Maybe it's me, but I'm too often riding leaned slightly forward. I guess if I were sitting on the bike eating lunch, the backrest would be excellent, otherwise not so much.

Just my $.02.


I've never seen one on an FJR, but I bet I'd like it sometimes. When I do a long trip, I have a big duffel strapped down on the passenger seat, and I like having that there as a backrest. Nice on a long day. On the downside, I don't think I could swing my leg over this backrest. I'd have to kind of step through to get mounted, ditto only reversed to get off.

On reflection, while I see some benefit, I wouldn't like it enough to spend the dough on it.

schupperts - No experience on back rests, but ditto what SM said, a full duffel bag will give you an idea if it's worth spending $ on.

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I have to agree with blassoff and SacramentoMike.

The riding position even with heli bars does not allow rider to be in enough of an up-right position.

The use of a duffel bag could work for some but stepping through may be the only way to mount the motorcycle.

I'm Jones'in for one.

Dzane has one his 07. I tried it out and didn't want to give it back. His was made by Rich of Rich's seats, looks like a copy of a Bakup. It's fully adjustable and came forward enough for me, and i sit a bit forward compared to where the natural pocket is on a stock saddle.
