****** driver while riding home tonight

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get license plate number, good description of vehicle and him and call local police or sheriff and report as a drunk driver.
Let them get belligerent with the police.
Gunny !

Let him go in the warm knowledge that sooner or later, what he's sown will come back and that somebody will be unwrapping his truck from around a tree.

On the UK's crowded roads, you can get into that scenario twice a day if you choose to. I decided some time ago to turn the other cheek. As soon as you have finished with one numpty, another will come along and I chose not to spend my life putting the world right. You are a long time dead, make the best of living.
Very nicely put.

But I'm gonna have to move your response to ....


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Having responded to similar input both appropriately & inappropriately myself, I'll certainly second the intelligent alternative, ...but Damn! Sure FEELS GOOD to just smack da turdball don't it?!! My Pop always told me if you can't back it up, don't say it! ...a bit of essential wisdom that seems top be lost on some of these Yayhooos. Gunny Barabus' comment, the lid [& gloves] stays on, let him bust his knuckles!

I was having a nice ride tonight and making a left into a 2 lane left turn when an old beige truck pulls up next to me also trying to make a left. We both turn and next thing I know this guy is trying to race me? I am still in my line and driving no different than normal. He proceeds to pass me and comes across the front of me only to slow down to make the same left I am making. Keep in mind there were 3 lanes he could have picked and I guess he wanted my lane in front of me. Now I am getting a little pissed. So now he is pulling into the same area I live in and riding behind someone else accelerating and skidding like a crazy man. I decide to follow him to where he pulled in to have a little talk. I mentioned to him he needed to be more careful and he told me to **** off.
I got off my bike, took off my helmet and walked over to him to ask him if he would like to say that again. He told me to go **** myself and he would say whatever he wanted. After that he was .....

He might have been drunk but I was in no mood to listen to his ****. I thought when you hit 40 you forget about that kind of stuff but I guess not. I should know better but this guy just pushed all of my wrong buttons.

A biker was shot and killed the other day here in Atlanta/Athens area pursuing a situation where he was wronged. Its best to ignore these situations or call the cops like someone else suggested. I just assume everyone is nuts and avoid all conflicts on my bike. Just be safe and very forgiving of the troubled cagers out there.

**** Happens. 'nuff said. You did what you had to do. **** him. He think twice next time. If not, hit the ****** again.

Many years ago, I had to attend traffic school (cage offense :) ). The instructor mentioned something that has always stuck with me... in the Bay Area, there are over 2 million drivers on the freeway every day. Good chance there are there is a small percentage of folks out there that are on the wrong end of sanity... for whatever reason - bad day, medication of any kind, etc. So if there's some yeehaw doing some crazy sh*t, keep in mind they could have a gun or use their car as a weapon. It just ain't that important to me to be injured or lose my life because I lost my temper with some stoopit a**hat who was mentally deranged.

A story: There was a section of this one street that was two lanes, sharp right turn and the right lane became a right turn only lane... infamous for people swerving over into the left lane to go straight. I was riding with a friend to an event, had my daughter on the back of the bike. I saw a car in the right lane and anticipated him swerving over to the left... he did but I had backed off to allow that to happen. My friend zoomed up beside the car at the next stoplight and started yelling at the guy. While I appreciated her standing up for us, I pulled her over and had a chat. I said don't ever do that again around me. The guy in that car could have had a really bad day and you just pushed him over the edge... that car could have become a weapon and, up against two-wheels, we would have lost and I had one of the most precious "possessions" in my life with me... my daughter.

I understand "cowboy justice" and wanting to just give that person what they deserve, believe you me... but oft times the tables get turned for a variety of reasons and it is we who receive undue justice. Glad that YOU are okay but hope that the next time, you're able to disconnect emotionally from the situation and walk (ride) away... take a moment to think of the people in your life that would miss having you around. :2cents :)

One of my high school friends grew up to be a cop...about ten years ago and off duty one day, someone bumps their car into his...he gets out to confront the guy..it escalates and the guy stabs him numerous times with a knife...one of those big knives you see Rambo with. The hospital is 2 blocks away and he drives himself there just in time to die as they work on him.

It took a while for the shock of this news to wear off.

Escalation can be very bad...

I occasionally get really pissed off at asshats on the road as well. As much as possible I try to remember that sometimes I accidentally do stupid **** too. Helps to let it go.

"All of the world's problems have one thing in common - people."

One of my high school friends grew up to be a cop...about ten years ago and off duty one day, someone bumps their car into his...he gets out to confront the guy..it escalates and the guy stabs him numerous times with a knife...one of those big knives you see Rambo with. The hospital is 2 blocks away and he drives himself there just in time to die as they work on him.
It took a while for the shock of this news to wear off.

Escalation can be very bad...
agree 100% we all have made mistakes while driving-road way incidents are not worth someone getting hurt. Texas recently passed a law authorizing deadly force to be used in protecting yourself in your home,your vehicle and your business. Trying to drag someone out of a vehicle because of a driving mistake they made could put you a very bad position to be in.

I'm guessing you've not heard about the rider who followed the 2 girls home (probably after they cut him off) and ended up dead when their dad shot him as he passed their driveway.

Best to leave it on the road and go on your way.

Sounds like the good ol days. Trouble now, I'm too old for that kind of crap and I'm suppose to know better. Best to let it go....and hopefully lesson learned for your next test. PM. <>< :D

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I applaud your guts to confront the guy. I personally feel there are too many jokers with conceal and carry licenses, so my hope that Darwinism is their ultimate payback and I try not to let their stupidity into my life.

I applaud your guts to confront the guy. I personally feel there are too many jokers with conceal and carry licenses, so my hope that Darwinism is their ultimate payback and I try not to let their stupidity into my life.
You should be more concerned with the people without a carry license. Statistically, people with carry licenses virtually never misuse their guns. It's the guy that's already breaking one law by carrying unlicensed who won't have any qualms about breaking another law.
