Driving while high?

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Must be NY is dry, I've never been riding along and smelled any Mary Jane. Never, well maybe once when I cruised by a ZZ-Top concert in an outdoor amphitheater, but that's still a maybe, cuz like who lights up at a concert anyway?.

Harvest time can get nasty (I hear).


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You called me for a date... Bitch!
No it ain't you weird ***.. Stop hittin' on me!
I'm high right now.. Can you tell?
Blow me Simon u punk azz bitch.
I know that's B's way of saying I love you!
In a weird wrapped sort of way.
Yo RadioHowie: You cannot separate our Bluesy and Bust with an abalone iron, C4 explosives or the Jaws of Life! jes' sayin' and nuff said, Weirdos!

With the legalization of marijuana in some states I’m sure you’ll smell it more in public, maybe not.
That being said I’ve been noticing lately when riding (lane sharing most of the way) home from work on the 55frwy the smell of pot, a strong smell like at a concert. I’m thinking, “Great. Some arsehat is getting high and I get to pass him/her soon”. It’s bad enough with drunks, and distracted cellphone drivers, but now for some reason a bunch in Cali are now smoking on the road and it doesn’t give me warm fuzzies to deal with them too. I’ve rarely ever had this experience before, now it seems to be at least once per week I smell it on the way home.

Anyone else experience this?

With the legalization of marijuana in some states I’m sure you’ll smell it more in public, maybe not.

That being said I’ve been noticing lately when riding (lane sharing most of the way) home from work on the 55frwy the smell of pot, a strong smell like at a concert. I’m thinking, “Great. Some arsehat is getting high and I get to pass him/her soon”. It’s bad enough with drunks, and distracted cellphone drivers, but now for some reason a bunch in Cali are now smoking on the road and it doesn’t give me warm fuzzies to deal with them too. I’ve rarely ever had this experience before, now it seems to be at least once per week I smell it on the way home.

Anyone else experience this?

Heh. All the folks I know that smoke weed in public (and many of the cig smokers I know) have gone to vaporizers for obvious reasons.

Since my commute is on 210 I get far more diesel, bakery, and brewery smells than cig and weed. When I spent a lot of time on 55 I swore I could smell the bad stripper perfume when I passed by Mr. J's :)

Heh. All the folks I know that smoke weed in public (and many of the cig smokers I know) have gone to vaporizers for obvious reasons.
I've noticed the smell of burning "herb" several times in Colorado while out and about on the FJR, but that was before the law was passed. Don't recall any occurrences since and thinking folks have moved to vaporizers.
