dropped it today

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Jul 24, 2006
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What a great day today in St. Louis. I was riding everywhere, taking the long way every chance I could but as I pulled back into the garage I hit an extension cord left on the floor and since I was going so slow the bike stopped dead, tipped to the right and as I put my foot down I was right next to a 5 gal bucket of roof tar, it didn't move and the bike came down on the bucket and me. There I was calling myself every name in the book and looking around to see if any neighbors were watching. The results, a big scrape on the right faring and a goose egg on my shin. Spring cleaning is in the works, Man what an idiot!

What a great day today in St. Louis. I was riding everywhere, taking the long way every chance I could but as I pulled back into the garage I hit an extension cord left on the floor and since I was going so slow the bike stopped dead, tipped to the right and as I put my foot down I was right next to a 5 gal bucket of roof tar, it didn't move and the bike came down on the bucket and me. There I was calling myself every name in the book and looking around to see if any neighbors were watching. The results, a big scrape on the right faring and a goose egg on my shin. Spring cleaning is in the works, Man what an idiot!

if you're gonna drop it - better 1 mph than 101 mph.

nothing anyone here can say will make it better - but time will fix your wounds.

beer helps a bit too.

Don't feel too bad. As a matter of fact, hearing stories like yours makes the rest of us that have had similar incidents feel better :D . I got my 06' fjr April 29, 2006. May 1st I went to my dad's house to show him my new bike, and to take my son for a ride. I parked in his driveway. I was so concerned with making sure my son got off safely that ..... you guessed it.... I forgot to put down the kickstand. Before I knew it my one day old bike fell into his rockscape. I now have many scratches on my left mirror, and a couple on the front fairing.

It happens, dropped mine taking her off the center stand, fortunately only a few scratches. Use to be a saying that the only people you have never dropped a bike were those that didn't have one, because if you have one, sooner or later you will drop it.

Besides those scrapes and scratches give the bike some character, or at least that's what I tell myself.

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yeah well... get it outta' the way. There are many, many dropped bikes. It sucks, but it happens. At least you've GOT a bike to drop. You've got the first scratch out of the way early on... ain't nothin' but a thang'!

50% of all accidents occur within 10 miles of the house.

70% of all stats are made up on a moments notice :D

You are not alone


What a great day today in St. Louis. I was riding everywhere, taking the long way every chance I could but as I pulled back into the garage I hit an extension cord left on the floor and since I was going so slow the bike stopped dead, tipped to the right and as I put my foot down I was right next to a 5 gal bucket of roof tar, it didn't move and the bike came down on the bucket and me. There I was calling myself every name in the book and looking around to see if any neighbors were watching. The results, a big scrape on the right faring and a goose egg on my shin. Spring cleaning is in the works, Man what an idiot!
There are two types of riders, those that have and those that are going to. You now have graduated. :yahoo:

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What a great day today in St. Louis. I was riding everywhere, taking the long way every chance I could but as I pulled back into the garage I hit an extension cord left on the floor and since I was going so slow the bike stopped dead, tipped to the right and as I put my foot down I was right next to a 5 gal bucket of roof tar, it didn't move and the bike came down on the bucket and me. There I was calling myself every name in the book and looking around to see if any neighbors were watching. The results, a big scrape on the right faring and a goose egg on my shin. Spring cleaning is in the works, Man what an idiot!
There are two types of riders, those that have and those that are going to. You now have graduated. :yahoo:
Yeah, but it still sucks. <_< I like being a drop out..
I know the feeling. Sorry to hear about it, but it's out of the way now. At least you didn't herniate a disc trying to catch it. Hmmmm, hmmm, hmmm. Move along. Nothing to see here.

When I was 16, I worked at a motorcycle shop and became very adept at dropping bikes. I'd like to tell you that it gets easier with practice, but... :D My most humbling experience was when I backed into a screen porch with a pickup during a tropical storm and managed to knock over three bikes at once (just like dominoes). Day 2 with my '06 V-Max and I dropped it in a parking lot right in front of the sandwich shop I was headed for. About 4 employees as witnesses with apparently nothing but time on their hands & quite good at gawking. Went in and ordered my samich anyway. Dings and humble pie are part of the equation...which is good in that it reminds us that we are bound by the laws of physics. You were lucky: witnesses provide the a la mode for the humble pie.

But I've discovered that a major portion of the experience lies in the excuses you can come up with (again, practice makes perfect): "Did you see that dog run out in front of me? -- Err, you and the bike were stationary. -- Yeah, well, he was running right at me." "Did you notice the earthquake, too?" "OK, who's been spraying my boots with WD-40?" Etc. :rolleyes:

I remember the FIRST one... like it was yesterday. Curbed it. Dumped over and it come down on my shin and cramed it to the curb. OUCH. Good thing Mommy had some Bactine and a big hug, otherwise it would have been devastating. Miss that old Stingray with the banana seat!

It never gets any easier...

It happens, dropped mine taking her off the center stand
After watching more than then one person do this when I first got into motorcycling a couple decades ago, I have always taken all my bikes off their centerstand only while sitting on the bike.... never standing next to it.

It's waaaay too easy to just get a tiny bit off balance and over it goes.... usually to the right, where there's no prayer of saving it since you're standing on the left. :unsure:

My tipovers have all involved soft materials and surface-area-challenged kickstands (ok, and a centerstand once :rolleyes: ).

I have learned to never take anything but dry concrete for granted.

That new Skyway sidestand shoe is gonna be nice! :dribble:

Sorry mang. Dropping it always sucks, and you keep wondering what you could have done differently. You can always have it repainted, just have done at a reliable shop. I am convinced that this bike should have training wheels on it that deploy when you get below 5 mph! Would have saved me, and many other members from the dreaded 0mph drop.

Also, remember it could always be worse.


It happens, dropped mine taking her off the center stand
After watching more than then one person do this when I first got into motorcycling a couple decades ago, I have always taken all my bikes off their centerstand only while sitting on the bike.... never standing next to it.

It's waaaay too easy to just get a tiny bit off balance and over it goes.... usually to the right, where there's no prayer of saving it since you're standing on the left. :unsure:
Now, now Warchild, not all of us are blessed with long enough legs to reach the ground when the bike is on the center stand. Just consider yourself blessed that your over 5'6".


EUREKA!! What we need is an automatic set of angled legs that pop out when you are below 1 mph and tipping over... They could be in the botom of the muffler's. oh well, never mind....

Now, now Warchild, not all of us are blessed with long enough legs to reach the ground when the bike is on the center stand. Just consider yourself blessed that your over 5'6".

Long legs? Have you met Warchild? :huh: Besides, when on the bike, I put my feet on the pegs and rock the bike with my weight to take it off the center stand. When it touches down, I either ride off or put my feet down depending on the desire to move or stay in the same spot.

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