Drug resistant TB a**hole!

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667 - Neighbour of the Beast
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
I was just reading about the guy they have quarantined in Denver because he has a very deadly strain of TB. Here is what the article states:

"Speaker said in a newspaper interview that he knew he had TB when he flew from Atlanta to Europe in mid-May for his wedding and honeymoon, but that he did not find out until he was already in Rome that it was an extensively drug-resistant strain considered especially dangerous.

Despite warnings from federal health officials not to board another long flight, he flew home for treatment, fearing he wouldn't survive if he didn't reach the U.S., he said."

This moron should be charged with endangering the lives of everyone on the second flight. To be highly infectious and be told not to board a flight and then go ahead and do it anyway. What a sense of entitlement. They mentioned that when he was flown from his home in Atlanta to the hospital in Denver he wore a face mask. No mention of that on the long flight from Rome. He obviously doesn't give a **** about others even enough to put on a surgical mask. I have seen people wearing them on planes just because they have a cold.

Now the government has to try and track down all the others who were on that flight to see if they are spreading the bacteria even further. I hope he gets better and gets to spend the rest of his life in court...good thing his wife is a lawyer.

Man some people piss me off.


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