Well-known member
What a great report!! I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish.
Glad the problem was isolated and eliminated. Happy riding!
Glad the problem was isolated and eliminated. Happy riding!
Thanks Gary, I appreciate your kind words. As for the length, I was torn as to whether to go into the detail I did, as I view these reports as being lighthearted and people aren't sitting down expecting to read a novel. When reading these ride reports I think most people just want to see the smiles and miles, and maybe a little bit of the back story on occasion. I often find myself editing out a lot of blah, blah, blah. But in this case, as for both my experience in Dodge City and the homeward bound stretch, I felt it important to try and take the reader there in time and to make an effort to convey the emotions I was going through. In order to do that it took descriptive words, lots of adjectives and adverbs, and I had to be very detailed. Plus, I wanted to try and convey my interaction with others along the way, thus the dialogue between myself and others had to be included in order try to keep the reader interested. All that, like this "explanation" tended to pile up the words. Thanks for taking the time to read it. I don't expect most people to do that. But it was part of the bigger story of the fly and ride itself, and I felt it needed to be told to fully convey my experience.Was just thinking about that place you where you were asked, "Do ju have meembersheep?" Ha. That was funny. Congrats on getting home safely, and thanks for taking all the time to do the ride report. Took a while to read, but it was certainly worth it.
darksider #44
JC - Thank you also for your comments.Enjoyed reading your story, thanks for sharing it. Never heard of an oil filter taking a hit before, but can sure see how that is possible given its location on the FJR. Have to say that it was the w123 in the driveway that first got my attention.
Ah yes... thanks for the reminder. My dad had the 300D and loved that car! BTW - that's picture is not from my driveway, that's actually the seller's car. - what is the w123?
Great idea! That's something I don't have in my emergency kit, but need to. As this was a fly-n-ride, I didn't have my emergency kit with me anyway. But that will certainly be added to my kit!Good story, and another potential use for the JB weld Steel Stik.
Thanks Wheatie! I certainly can't see myself changing my writing style but just wanted to express that unless it's necessary for the story, most of my reports won't be so long on dialogue.I read every word...and each word added a lot. Thanks for taking the time to share. The best reports reel you in, and this one sure did.
Do not change your RR style. You're a great writer.
I wasn't aware that Wally World carried compatible filters for the FJR. Thanks for the heads up! The reason I turned to Advanced Auto was that I have purchased FJR filters from them before and knew they stocked them. Once the duct tape showed that it wasn't doing to work (at least impede the flow and slow it down), I turned to the next step, which probably should have been my first step once the problem was discovered. As the great football coach, Pat Dye once said, hindsight is always 50/50.WTF dude? No Walmart nearby? Even a Fram would get you home safer than that duct tape job. Kudos on finding the issue and getting it home though.
Oh damn.I'm sure you know this now, especially since unpacking the bike, but there was 3 new oil filters in the top box. lol. Hope that didn't add any insult to injury....
Oh yes, I found them! Actually there were four filters in there. I fell out on the floor laughing my ass off! I immediately remembered you pointing out that they were in there. LOL I told you that you would have to make me a list of all the things we discussed that day. I'm getting old....I'm sure you know this now, especially since unpacking the bike, but there was 3 new oil filters in the top box. lol. Hope that didn't add any insult to injury....
Likewise my friend! If you lived closer the two of you could come over and borrow any of my bikes anytime!It was great meeting you and I cant thank you enough for making this work. It was a pleasure doing business with you and your buddy, and I'm glad the issue turned out to be only the filter. I look forward to hearing more of your ride reports with your bud. I miss the bike as much as my son.
Im getting ready to retire from the Military after 20 years of service. Whooo Hooo. Cant wait only 6 months left.
DO IT, do it, do it!!! NM 126, just outside of Cuba (northwest of Albuquerque) was my favorite road when we were out there this past May. We rode up about 15 miles and had to turn around due to time constraints. I don't think it's paved all the way through, but if you are on adventure bikes that'll just make it that much better!I have one more bucket list ride that I wanted to do here in Colorado before leaving. I plan on renting an adventure bike and riding with a long time war buddy that retired here. Gonna hit the Million Dollar Highway and some New Mexico over a week this early fall. Story to follow.....
Indeed sir, we will!I hope we get to meet again through travels my friend. It was a pleasure.
No, no, no, no. Do not even consider this. I've talked to a number of forum members through the years, and they would certainly agree that many of us don't have the skill with words that you do. So the "norm" is to keep it short and sweet. However, that's simply because it's still better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt, as the old saying goes. "If ya can't say it right, please keep it short" may be great advice for those who can't write well, but this would be one dull planet if nobody put their words to paper. Pictures are easy to get right, so that's what we post. However, do not put a bushel over that light of yours. Each of us brings something to this forum, and many of us bring something unique that very few possess. Our diversity gives these pages their color. And once in a while, somebody comes to this table with something to say and the ability to say it well. Those who don't care to dissect all the verbiage can simply skip it, look at the pictures, and move on. This forum is like a smorgasboard of information: there's something for everybody from the picky eaters who detest extra details to those with insatiable appetites who digest every word.To all - Thank you to everyone who has "endured" the length of this report. As I explained to Gary above, it's generally not my style to go on and on in these ride reports. As always, I'll do my best in future reports to keep the verbiage to a minimum, unless the story requires a lengthier dialogue.![]()