OK. I can't resist.
If I've got 15 liters of E10, about 1.5 liters of this is ethanol.
If the guy in front of me used E85, which I can't imagine anyone doing because it sucks so much as a fuel, then I've got about a liter of E85 to contend with, which would be about .85 liters more of ethanol.
So my original intent would have been to have 1.5 liters of ethanol in my tank, but now I've got 2.3ish.
We're still in the mode here where we have stations that sell real gasoline, and so we buy it.
And I made 169 bushels of corn to the acre this past growing season ... that's how I know how lousy prices are and how overblown supply is worldwide.
From a corn farmer perspective, it would help prices to have an E85 mandate, but it would lead to revolt among fuel consumers, even in the corn states.