Ear Plug recommendations

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Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
San Angelo, TX
I am interested in ear plug recommendations.

I really enjoy riding with the windscreen fully down, but I'm getting too much wind noise and subsequent ringing in the ears.

I have a new helmet, Shoei RF 1000 and it fits well.

I am a new owner and still have the stock windscreen, although I'm looking to get an aftermarket one.

Thanks for any suggestions.


I went to the local audiologist and had a pair of custom plugs made. They are not that expensive and they are comfortable.

For me they are much better than the generic throwaway ones

+1 on the custom plugs here. I tried everything else and nothing compares to them. If you buy a tall enough windshield it gets really quiet.

I am interested in ear plug recommendations.
I really enjoy riding with the windscreen fully down, but I'm getting too much wind noise and subsequent ringing in the ears.

I have a new helmet, Shoei RF 1000 and it fits well.

I am a new owner and still have the stock windscreen, although I'm looking to get an aftermarket one.

Thanks for any suggestions.

The 33dB foam plugs are pretty good. You can get 100 pairs for about $13.49 on ebay from a safety supplier. I got mine from softfoamearplugs.com. For me, the key is to not use the same pair too long. Throw them away and use a new pair if they do not seal well or get dirty. - Dave

My current favorite ear plugs are from Lowes. The ones I bought come in a box with over 100 in it i think (can't find them online, or in real life at the moment). They are orange and purple, and might be AO safety. They are very soft, and I can wear them all day if need be.

I used to wear the yellow foam E.A.R. plugs in the factory, and they were pretty painful after a few hours, these purple ones are as soft as a baby's big toe. :)

Your ears are different than everyone elses. I found two soft foam ones from E.A.R. that I like. I bought a sampler pack from one of the internet stores on Amazon. It came with about 30 different types.

I toss them out after a long days ride or if they get dirty or don't seal.

They really are a personal choice.

I use a brand called SparkPlugs. I get them from work so they are free to me. They are disposable ones that are attached by a nylon style cord. Work great for me for the price!
