Earplugs, Windshields and ?

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Active member
Aug 24, 2007
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Detroit, MI
I just took my first extended ride on my FJR (500 miles) and was impressed with its performance on the super slab. Cruising at 80mph is effortless and smooth. Here is my problem however. I have Tinitus (ringing in the ears) and all the wind noise (even with a full face helmet) aggrevates my condition 10 fold if riding for long periods of time. I am trying to come to some sort of resolution so I am not confined to the cage for all of my trips.

I am wondering if there is a paticular kind of earplug made for wearing in helmets? I want something that would be somewhat flush with the ear so the helmet can slide right over them without shifting the plugs.

I am also looking at a different windshield to aid in the noise and buffeting. I have read all kinds of threads but there are so many different opinions I guess I am just going to have to try them one at a time for myself in order to see what works best for me.

Any help on the earplugs is GREATLY appreciated.

First, there is a used (slighty damaged) V-Stream windscreen making rounds right now with forum members for a "try-before-you-buy" tour. I can't remember who has it right now, but I am sure you can get in line and try this before you lay down your cash. It was my favorite. Perhaps the current holder will chime in and let you know the current whereabouts and who's next on the list.

Second, all helmets are not created equal. Some are significantly quieter than others. There again, this is an expensive trial-and-error way of doing business. Maybe you have some friends that would let you try different helmets so you can evaluate. The quietest one I ever had was only $79, go figure.

Lastly, there are some peeps here that have custom-molded earplugs. I am sure they will be along with the info on those.

edit: this is the "try-before-you-buy" thread: V-Stream

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Scab is on the money. Different plugs will get you different results, and the helmet will make a big difference. I have found the more air flow a helmet offers, the louder it is. My Shoei X-11 vents great, but is LOUD. I use a soft foam ear plug, though I do have the custom molded one s as well. I find the soft foam work fine foe me, and if I loose them it is no big deal. there was the thread on here somewhere about some ear plugs someone tried at an air show that were supposed to be really good. Good luck.

You can get 33dB ear plugs made out of extra-soft, lightweight foam that seals without pressure that are a non-irritating, non-allergenic foam. 33dB is a lot of quieting power!

As far as windshields go you may want to check out a Laminar Lip. It is really fugly, but effective. I have one that I use on both the stock ('04) windshield and the ahamaY windshield. The Lip does cause the larger windshield to flutter a bit, but the smaller windshield hardly flutters at all. When the windshield is ~1/2 way up with the Lip on there is a Goldwing like pocket of quiet air around the rider.

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go to an audiologist and get a set of custom molded ear plugs - they are very comfortable and work great.
Custom molded are the best. I got mine from a vendor at one of the International Motorcycle Shows, for $50. Now and again, I've forgotten to put them in and notice the difference immediately. They are so comfortable, you forget that they are there. Road and wind noise is minimized but you can still hear the bike, emergency sirens etc.


Thanks for all of the replies and links ! I am going to get in line for the V Stream and try some soft foam plugs first. If they don't seem to do the trick I will go the more expensive route. I am doing another 450 mile run next Thursday and will test the soft foam plugs and post back on how they work.

Thanks Again

I agree with the Audiologist recommendation.

Worth every penny :clapping:

I'm with you on the tinnitus. I buy the orange shooter's foam plugs at a sporting goods superstore. 33dB reduction, as mentioned earlier, is a lot. And for $3 I've always got several pair in the pocket of my pants. My trick for getting them in quick is to lick your index finger and thumb before you roll them up to compress them. Makes 'em slide right in for a good seal.


FYI, I bought the "Silent Ear Reusable Ear Plugs" and didn't like them even one little bit! In fact, I wore them once and one fell out - never again. Not to say they don't work for some, just not for me.

I actually like the ear plugs we got at dinner at the EOM. Soft and squishy and not too quiet. My challenge is that when Lorie is with me, we both wear earplugs and use an intercom (helmet speakers). Yes, we have the ER6i and they work great, but not comfortable for Lorie so we using helmet speakers. 33db plugs are too quiet (yes, volume on the ic is at full). Rode home from EOM with the EOM plugs, Lorie drove behind me and we used radio to talk. I could hear her just fine and road noise/wind noise was deadened "just right." If anyone out there knows where those plugs come from, please let me know!

As to the radio, I bought the "cheap" Motorolas that claim a range of up to 10 miles or so. My ass! If Lorie got 1/4 mile or so behind me we were "no comm." But then sometimes good enough is good enough; and these are good enough for the rare times we travel by different wheeled vehicles. If we were going to do it more often, I'd choke on it, but I'd spend the bigger bucks for decent radios.

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I use these EAR ultrafit plugs. I have used the same pair for years. They are soft and comfortable and I can hear my cheap helmet speakers through them.

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Put me on the list of those recommending custom molded plugs. The FJR is, unfortunately, a noisy bike as far as wind noise is concerned. I also have an R1 and riding that is MUCH quieter. Try standing up on the pegs sometime at speed and you will notice a DECREASE in wind noise.

I use the soft squishy yellow ear plugs, they go in ok and are comfortable, but I still have quite abit of wind roar. I think my problem is my Helmet. Shoei RF 1000, I would NOT recommend it for quite. Looks great, fits great but very noisy. My old Shoei X8 Air was guieter, and I thought it was noisy. The RF 1000 is actually quieter with the shield open, figure that one out. Only thing I can figure is that the Shoei helmet designers are all deaf from wearing their own helmets for years, so they don't notice. I'd be interested in what combination you finally settle on. I have not tried the new windscreen yet, but I probably will. Just can't afford it right now. I didn't know there was a trial screen floating, I may get in line for that also.

Maybe we should do a windscreen trial at the EOM next year.


I use the AO Safety reusable plugs: clicky. I cut the tab off that you use to insert them, now they fit in my helmet great and I can still get them out most of the time. :)

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Taller wind screens help.

I've got the Yamaha Touring screen which made big difference. Flipping up my full-face helmet shield with the screen in the uppermost position almost removes wind completely.

Now I have a problem with bugs in my eyes.
