Efficient Paperwork System and Cockpit Light

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Ok skiwi. You bastard. Now that you have got me thinking of spending even more farklebucks, how am I going to mount it? What have you got planned for mounting? I have seen photos of Iggy's set-up. Pretty cool. What is your thinking? And when you make your mount you better make one for me too!

Ok skiwi.  You bastard.  Now that you have got me thinking of spending even more farklebucks, how am I going to mount it?  What have you got planned for mounting?  I have seen photos of Iggy's set-up.  Pretty cool.  What is your thinking?  And when you make your mount you better make one for me too!
I'm going to use the unused opposite fluid reservoir cover, with a quick disconnect fastener setup. I may end up switching sides with the 2730 puck though, so the throttle hand never has to leave the handlebar to reach the light switch.

I could swear that in the not to distant past, I said I was done farkling this bike, I'm glad I don't own a boat. This rally stuff is an anchor on my bank account!! :D

But what's a guy to do, I need to see **** in pitch black. :bigeyes:

Ok skiwi. You bastard. Now that you have got me thinking of spending even more farklebucks, how am I going to mount it? What have you got planned for mounting? I have seen photos of Iggy's set-up. Pretty cool. What is your thinking? And when you make your mount you better make one for me too!
I'll try and shoot a couple close-ups of my homemade aluminum adapater plate I made for the Littlelite connecting to a RAM ball. Once I figured out my jigsaw could cut aluminum sheeting I've doubled my experience with machining metal.

Skoot...if you beg and promise oral servicing in Utah (a state that needs more of that) then I might be willing to make you a plate. A half hours work for 15 minutes of work?

Howdy all . . .sorry for intruding on your board but I received an e-mail inviting me to check out how our Littlite products are being used on cycles.

First of all, thank you to all of you who use our products. We know our products are pricey (more on that later) and we always appreciate it when someone trusts us with their hard-earned dollars.

Although our lights were not designed for cycling use, we realize that a lot of them find their way in the cockpit of many motorcycles so we’re always interested in feedback from these users.

I would like to address a couple of comments if I could:

Our products are not sealed for protection against water. We are not aware of any problems caused by Littlite use on a cycle but it’s something we always like to mention.

Littlite LED lampsets do not include a dimmer. There are a few reasons for this but the primary one is the fact that we could not source a suitable dimmer in time to meet our product launch deadline. We are in design stages of a new model, which will include a dimmer. It’s still a ways off but we’re on it!

Yes our products are expensive. We still design and build our products in the good old USA and source as many of our components as possible from US suppliers. This impacts the cost of our products since we aren’t dragging in boatloads of trinkets from other countries.

Please keep in mind that we do not build disposable products. Littlite products are protected by a generous warranty. If your Littlite fails under normal use, we fix it. LED arrays have a two-year warranty; all mechanicals (dimmers, switches, goosenecks, etc.) have a lifetime warranty.

Thanks again!

Donn Deniston


In case you haven't seen this picture, here's how the 12" LED Littlite mounted up on my bike. I'm very happy with its performance so far.


In case you haven't seen this picture, here's how the 12" LED Littlite mounted up on my bike. I'm very happy with its performance so far.

Very nice. . . if you don't mind I could post that photo on our web site. . .

Done deal. . . check it out at www.littlite.com. It's part of the slide show at the top right side of our home page.

Thanks again. . .

Hmm, I WISH my butt was made of iron, but it's not. However, I'm constantly using a tiny LED light, both on the bike and elsewhere, that would seem to solve your problems, at a fraction of the cost, albeit without the joy of adding a deluxe farkle entailing pulling plastic bits off the bike and playing with wires. They're available everywhere, in various colors...the white is by far the best. The one I have on my keychain is at least two years old, and gets very frequent use. It puts out plenty of light to tie a Goldwing down onto a trailer in the dark. I guess I could mount it on a ball cap, or even a helmet, but I just turn it on and hold it with my teeth, takes two shakes to do so.

I've seen them as bulk buy deals every now and then online for practically nothing...twenty for ten bucks, or somesuch, but I've just bought them at a sporting goods store (Academy, in Texas, but I see them lots of places).

I can't find the exact version I have, but here's a link to a number of different kinds. I figure a short lanyard attached to some part of the riding suit would keep it handy. I can work mine with my gloves.


Neat. But I have tried solutions like this already. It is critical that I have something mounted, and that is turn on/off and forget about it.

Obviously, when riding down the road, as little distraction as possible is ideal.

Neat. But I have tried solutions like this already. It is critical that I have something mounted, and that is turn on/off and forget about it.
Obviously, when riding down the road, as little distraction as possible is ideal.
Jeez. You READ while RIDING?
