Electric Vests

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Stafford, VA
I'm considering a heating vest for my wife and maybe for me. Anyone out there with experience you could share? Thanks.

Gerbing, Widder or Aerostitch. Gerbing will probably give you the best performance--and you can get it as a jacket with heated sleeves (I have that). But it costs more than the Widder and uses more watts--important on the FJR

People who have the Widder (like WC) are very, very happy with it.

Aerostitch is insanely expensive and its main attraction is that it connects to the Aerostitch jacket.

I got me a Widder last year and love it!

Fits great keeps me cozy warm when it's cold out. Really nice for those times of year when you need it in the AM hours, and want to store it when it warms up in the afternoon.

Fitment, for the vest to work you need it to fit snug to your body, measure your chest or the largest portion of your body, That will determine the size you need, the snugger the better!

(I got mine with the simple On/Off switch, for me that's all I needed, works good.

Ran the wire under the Gas tank, comes up between the seat and the tank,folds up under seat when not in use!)



Had Gerbing. Got Widder. After 3 years of hanging in the closet unused, sold the Gerbing. Widder, baaaabeeeeee!
What is it about Widder vs. Gerbing that made you switch?

I see on the Widder site that you can get it with the BMW switch cord. I believe I read somewhere that Powerlet outlets are the same as BMW outlets. Does anyone know if I just dreamed this?


I purchased a pair of Aerostich AirVantage Kanetsu vests with the removable sleeves(gift to my brother). They are composed of a medium thick fleece vest with an internal inflatable bladder that you can adjust to "tighten" the fit and put the electric elements closer to your skin. They work great and can be worn as regular fleece vests/jackets by themselves. They are a bit bulky and you can't wear them under tight leathers. You can use an external thermostat or simply change their heating characteristics by increasing/decreasing the amount of air in the bladders for custom heat control. Electric vests work best only if you can get the heating elements tightly to your skin. This vest lets you do that easily.

High quality, indeed! :)

I see on the Widder site that you can get it with the BMW switch cord. I believe I read somewhere that Powerlet outlets are the same as BMW outlets. Does anyone know if I just dreamed this?

your not losing it ( YET ! ) The best set up is the BMW plugs, they stay connected better when your on the road.

Widder fan here also. :D

If you plan to add lights, and electrical goodies to the bike, get the Widder, they use less watts than the others. ( Especially if your riding two up , both with vests. )

I see on the Widder site that you can get it with the BMW switch cord. I believe I read somewhere that Powerlet outlets are the same as BMW outlets. Does anyone know if I just dreamed this?

I have the Gerbing jacket and gloves. I have never had anything else, but these work very well. Last winter I was on ride...went by the bank thermo...it was 17*deg. and I was warm. Only my toes were chilly. Thats my 2 cents.. ;)

Had Gerbing. Got Widder. After 3 years of hanging in the closet unused, sold the Gerbing. Widder, baaaabeeeeee!
What is it about Widder vs. Gerbing that made you switch?
Thinsulate design means that some times you just need the grment without the juice.

Widder Vest + arm chaps pack smaller than the Gerbning jacket liner did (imo).

Flexibility of design (vest + arm chaps or just vest).

Lower power drain on the anemic FJR charging system (even more important when 2 up or wanting to run aux lighting).

Excellent customer focus of the people at Widder.

Supporting the sport: including support for different riding events (if you're lucky a Gerbing vendor will show for a big rally and sell you stuff at retail - try getting them to participate in the prize support though).

I've found the folks at Gerbing to be super-cooperative. Advantages: Jacket warms your arms, not just your vest area--sleeves aren't electric as far as I know. The jacket connects to the gloves, pants and socks. Since the FJR puts out so much heat and my feet are out of the wind, I don't bother with the socks. Gerbing has adapters for the Jastek/BMW plugs--I use them, too.

Gerbing warrantys the wiring for life--and they stand behind it.

I find that with the gloves, pants and jacket, unless I'm running other stuff, there's enough excess capacity not to drain the battery.

I'm not knocking Widder--people who have it love it. But Gerbing costs more because you get more.

All the above brands are good.

My money went to Widder. Usually I use the vest &/or the arm chaps and all is well. But on really cold days I use their gloves too. Their gloves are sized big [at least one size larger than normal].

Best is to trial fit if possible. Tight is better for your riding pleasure. :D

I use an amp & volt meter to keep the supply side happy. :)

Are the electric gloves (Widder/Gerbings/other) protective gloves as well, or "undergloves" over which you put your normal protective gloves?

Are the electric gloves (Widder/Gerbings/other) protective gloves as well, or "undergloves" over which you put your normal protective gloves?
Gerbing now has both. I have the full leather gloves. Unfortunately they didn't build them with Gortex as well. The electrics in the gloves are fully waterproof, but the gloves themselves aren't. They are good gloves if it's not raining--and, since I ALWAYS suffer from cold hands, they can, if you request it, make them warmer. I found that really helped. Even when they are soaking wet, the heaters will keep your hands warm. And we all know warm and wet feels a WHOLE lot better than cold and wet! :D
