End of Year Ride - Sunday Dec. 27th - anyone interested?

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Sportsguy, thanks for the route.

May I suggest a fun, short deviation? Zig a right off 203 at Carnation, zip by the old Carnation dairy, zag by Ames lake, then catch 203 again at Fall City.


Sportsguy, thanks for the route.
May I suggest a fun, short deviation? Zig a right off 203 at Carnation, zip by the old Carnation dairy, zag by Ames lake, then catch 203 again at Fall City.

Ah, yes. A useful suggestion. Thanks Stephen. :D

OK - updated: Maybe not exactly what Stephen suggested, as we get back to the 203 well before Fall City.


The real question in my mind is will we actually make it over Tiger Mountain? I just noticed we cross over while zoomed in, so I'm unsure if this is a feasible route given snow, ice and maybe riders without heated gear...


Hi Sportsguy, Where are you meeting to start? I'm thinking about it... pretty cold though!
Why mess with history - REI Parking Lot in Redmond, then we can blast up to Monroe, then head back around roughly clockwise on the map.

NOTE: I don't *know* these roads. I've ridden most, but should not be trusted to "lead" as I will most assuredly get lost. Yes, I have a GPS, but mapping online and having it in my GPS are two different things... ;)

The online map shows the run up to Monroe on the highway, but we can just as easily head out through Fall City then double back on more fun roads than the highway. :)

So far, we're trending for:

10AM - Sunday morning - start at Redmond REI parking lot

Feel free to make suggestions from there guys.

Duane -- I get nothing, nada, zip, zilch on the map link other than a pop up to install 'bong'. I'm good for a meet in Redmond at 10 AM Sunday as long as the frost lets up a bit. This morning it was bad up in these hills until noon-ish.


Colleen and I are going to try and join, hope to see quite a few of you.

BTW - Tiger Mountain should be just fine unless something changes weather wise.

Anyplace to meet for breakfast in the area? Parking lots leave me cold, do not be surprised to see the wing if I can go, getting attached to the heated grips&seat.

Duane -- I get nothing, nada, zip, zilch on the map link other than a pop up to install 'bong'. I'm good for a meet in Redmond at 10 AM Sunday as long as the frost lets up a bit. This morning it was bad up in these hills until noon-ish.
Try this [SIZE=12pt]clicky[/SIZE] guys - made this version with the non-silverlight version, so you should be able to all see it.

James - breakfast on the backside of the mall we're meeting at - Ruby Diner - right behind the Borders - right around back. ;)

I-90 was very frosty and slick. We were on I-90 heading East and saw 5 cars that lost traction and ran off the road into each other at Highpoint. this was @ 2:30pm it was a shaded area of I-90. I hope we don't run into any of this frost tomorrow. Are we meeting for breakfast before the ride?

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I'm with Marcus a bit. My area (Snohomish) and other outlying (shady) areas are prone to be frosty in the am. I would advocate for a 10am breakfast and leaving around 1100 and staying on sunny roads for a shorter day. When I go out for the paper around 0800 my shaded street up to hwy 9 is all glistening and frosty. Plastic is precious. Hey sporty those cars look really nice.

Another caution here.

We ride those roads all the time as our test track ... I mean road. There's a lot of shady parts along that route, it gets really slick in places as we found out earlier this year, a very very close run thing. :unsure:

Be very careful, last thing the rest of us want to see is one of you guys go down.

Stay safe out there.


Colleen and I went through Black Diamond, Kanasket, Ravensdale, etc.on the bike yesterday and it was frosty in the shade. Bridge decks were icy as were the roads that got little sun. This was at 3:00 PM - so the ice is sticking. Having said that, it was a good ride and we just had to take it easy. It is supposed to get a bit warmer and that will help as well.

Be careful tomorrow. Just took a short ride on Ames Lake Road over to Carnation and there are a bunch of shiny spots. Did not have any problem but many of the shady areas deserve attention.

If the weather cooperates tomorrow (no ice), I'll meet you folks at the corner of Main & Lewis (203) in Monroe. There's a Christmas tree on the corner.

Weather says it's supposed to be 2 degrees cooler tomorrow. The icey spots (shades areas and the north side of hills) are staying icey.

What time do you folks expect to be in the area? A ride later would probably be more prudent.

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Bumping ride start to 11am for safety.

Monroe meetup is usually at the Shell station. Not sure if that's where you mean Stephen.

Slow and steady for tomorrow.

Here's hoping I can get rid of this headache by morning, too or I'm out for the day. :(

Took the VStrom out this afternoon and ditto for me on the slick spots. Although it was in the 50's the shady spots still had full / heavy frost...Spada road had a couple VERY interesting spots. So, still REI at 10 AM and decide then?

@ Stephen, I'll probably be leaving Monroe at 9 or so, haven't decided which way to Redmond yet.

