Works fine on the FJR. As DC's pictures show, the bag is large and can be a tight fit on the lock-to-lock clearance. I have the stock triple clamp with the bars in the rearward position. My mounting ring is not even close to being as far forward as his is. On full lock, my horn and starter buttons barely touch the bag.
When (if) you get the bag, mount the tank ring first. Then take some measurements and figure out where you want to position the bag. Measure twice and drill once... Good Luck, you won't be disappointed.
it must be the heli triple clamp that makes mine so much closer. The first time I mounted it the ring on the bag was about 2 inches closer to the middle of the bag, and it would touch the horn and the starter button on full lock to either side... Feel very stupid backing into a spot a honking... Especially if there's cars near you,
they just look at you like "what the f**k are you honking at"
. I've had 3 other bags on the 2 bikes I've had, this is by far the best. I had one of the ones ( I forget the brand) but it was pricey, but there was a base that strapped to the tank with an opening for the fuel fill, and the bag unzipped/zipped onto the base. Nice set up but I fuel up every other day. And it got to be a pain to zip and unzip it all the time. I can take this one off one handed and put it back on one handed, and it's straight every time
. I'm way to anal about that but I would put the magnetic one on and off 4 or 5 times trying to make it straight on the tank. Drove me looney!!!!