Engine hesitation/stall

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Rapid City, SD
I've got a 2006 FJR1300 with about 18,000 miles on it. Last summer I started having a problem from time to time. I start the bike when it is cold, put it into 1st gear, and as soon as I start letting the clutch out and get any load on the engine it sort of seizes up and dies. If I let off immediately when it starts to hesitate and die, it will go back to idle and idle fine. If I want to get going I have to rev up the engine to 5000+ rpm and feather the clutch to get going. Once I get it going it will go back to acting the same way if I slow down much and let the engine drop back to idle and then engage it again. Once it is ridden for about 5-7 minutes and the engine is warmed up the problem goes away. It is an intermittent problem. Doesn't happen every time I start the bike cold,but it is getting more frequent as time goes on. My warrenty goes away in less than a month and I'm thinking I better get it in and looked at while it is still covered. I'm just afraid I'll get it to the dealer and then they won't be able to replicate it there. A few times when it happened I'd washed the bike about a day before and let it sit. No pressure spray so don't know if water could be the culprit, but sometimes it has happened when the bike has not been "wet" so not sure that anything getting wet could be the problem or not.

Anyone ever had a their engine act up this way? Never had anything like this for first 16,000 miles, but something's up now. Any advice would be appreciated!

Are you letting the bike warm up to 2 bars before putting it in gear?

Get it to the dealer, this isn't right. You should be able to just ride off right after starting it. At least I can do that and I have a 06 with 60k miles on it, even at 30F.


Take it to the dealer before warranty runs out and at least get it documented.

You may want to go to the diag screen and do a sweep of the TPS to make sure there's not a bad spot in it. You want to go slow and make sure the voltage goes up as you open the throttle.

Another thought.Is it going up on high idle when cold, or what's the idle cold vs hot ?

Well, the bike idles like it always has, no change in that. This only happens when the bike is first started after it has sat for awhile and the engine is completely cooled down. I always let the bike idle for a minute or so before I put it into gear. It NEVER acted like this the first 16,000 miles, so know something has changed recently. I have fairly new irridium plugs in the bike. When I give it gas from idle it just stumbles and will die if you don't let off and let it go back to idle. It makes sort of a mechanical rattle when it is hesistating/stalling. I will get it in to dealer soon and get the problem documented as I've only got till 5/4 on my warrenty.

This only happens from time to time, may 10% of the times I start the bike, but the % is going up gradually.

Thanks for the advice and still welcoming any additional thoughts...........
